


iPad Magic Keyboard Trackpad
Apple 苹果

Apple’s new floating Magic Keyboard case for the iPad Pro looks fantastic, but you don’t need to spend $299 to use a trackpad. Simply connect a Magic Trackpad or a third-party multi-touch trackpad to get access to all of iPadOS’ new trackpad gestures.

Apple为iPad Pro推出的新型浮动式Magic Keyboard键盘保护套看起来很棒,但您无需花费299美元即可使用触控板。 只需连接Magic Trackpad或第三方多点触控板即可访问iPadOS的所有新触控板手势。

Starting with iPadOS 13.4, you can connect any Bluetooth mouse and trackpad to your iPad to enable the new cursor feature. Pairing Apple’s Magic Trackpad or any other third-party option is just like pairing any other Bluetooth accessory.

从iPadOS 13.4开始,您可以将任何蓝牙鼠标和触控板连接到iPad以启用新的光标功能。 配对Apple的Magic Trackpad或任何其他第三方选项就像配对任何其他蓝牙配件一样。

Once the trackpad is paired and active, you’ll be able to use it just like you use the trackpad on a Mac—it even has some of the same gestures that you might already be used to on the Mac.


You can swipe around with one finger to move the pointer, which shows up as a translucent gray circle.


iPad Pro showing context menu and cursor pointer in Safari
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

But the reason why you connected a Magic Trackpad is the gestures. Here’s a list of all the trackpad gestures supported by the iPad:

但是您连接Magic Trackpad的原因是手势。 以下是iPad支持的所有触控板手势的列表:

  • Right-Click: Tap or click with two fingers.


  • Scroll: Swipe up or down with two fingers to scroll.


  • Forward/Backward: Swipe left/right with two fingers to go forward/backward and in apps with nested menus (like the Settings app).


  • Zoom: Pinch in and out to zoom.


  • Spotlight: Swipe down with two fingers on the Home screen to reveal the Spotlight search bar.


  • Switch apps: Swipe left or right with three fingers to switch apps (also works in Slide Over panel).


  • Home: Swipe up with three fingers to go Home.


  • App Switcher: Swipe up with three fingers and hold to enter the App Switcher.


  • Quit Apps: Flick up with three fingers on an app in the multitasking view to force quit it.


If you’re used to the tap-to-click gesture on your Mac, you can enable this functionality for the iPad by going to Settings > General > Trackpad. Here, tap on the toggle next to the “Tap to Click” option.

如果您习惯于Mac上的点击手势,则可以通过转至设置>常规>触控板为iPad启用此功能。 在这里,点击“点击以点击”选项旁边的切换按钮。

While you’re here, you may want to enable the “Two-Finger Secondary Click” option as well.


That’s not all, you can actually customize the behavior and look of the cursor in great detail. Take a look at our guide on customizing the iPad cursor.

不仅如此,您实际上可以自定义光标的行为和外观。 看看我们有关自定义iPad光标的指南。

