小程序 自定义组件 应用_如何自定义Windows 10的新闻应用程序

小程序 自定义组件 应用

小程序 自定义组件 应用

Microsoft News

The Microsoft News app allows you to view the latest news and headlines in one place. You can customize it to show news that interests you, local and worldwide, as well as hide news sources you dislike.

Microsoft新闻应用程序使您可以在一处查看最新新闻和标题。 您可以对其进行自定义,以显示本地和全球感兴趣的新闻,以及隐藏您不喜欢的新闻来源。

It’s usually included with a Windows 10 installation but, if it isn’t, you can download and install the app from the Microsoft Store.

Windows 10安装中通常包含该应用程序,但是如果没有,则可以从Microsoft Store下载并安装该应用程序。

在Microsoft新闻中按兴趣添加或删除新闻 (Add or Remove News by Interest in Microsoft News)

Whether you love sports, politics, or entertainment stories, the News app lets you save your particular interests to help shape your news feed. This means you’ll only see the kind of stories that you’re interested in.

无论您是喜欢体育,政治还是娱乐故事,新闻应用程序都可以让您保存自己的兴趣爱好,以帮助塑造新闻源。 这意味着您只会看到自己感兴趣的故事。

When you first launch the Microsoft News app, you’ll be asked to select what type of news stories you want to see in your “My News” feed.


Search through the categories in the left-hand menu or by using the search bar at the top. When you find an interest you like, click on the star icon in the bottom-left of each interest card.

在左侧菜单中或通过顶部的搜索栏搜索类别。 当您找到自己喜欢的兴趣时,请点击每个兴趣卡左下角的星标。

In the Microsoft News app, search through the categories in the left-hand menu and, when you find an interest you like, click on the star icon

Once you’ve selected the type of stories you’re interested in, click the “Done” button at the top.


If you want to add (or remove) interests after setting up the app, you can do that from the “Interests” section. To access it, click the “Interests” tab found on the left-hand side menu.

如果您要在设置应用后添加(或删除)兴趣,可以在“兴趣”部分中进行操作。 要访问它,请单击左侧菜单上的“兴趣”选项卡。

To add or remove interests in the Microsoft News app, click on the Interests tab

As before, click on the star icon on each interest card to add (or remove) it from your “My News” feed.

和以前一样,单击每个兴趣卡上的星形图标以将其添加(或删除)到“我的新闻” Feed中。

从Microsoft新闻中添加或删除特定新闻来源 (Add or Remove Specific News Sources from Microsoft News)

You can also add your favorite news sources to Microsoft News, or remove news sources you dislike. News sources you prefer will appear in your “My Sources” list.

您还可以将自己喜欢的新闻源添加到Microsoft News,或删除不喜欢的新闻源。 您喜欢的新闻来源将出现在“我的来源”列表中。

To add or remove a news source, open the Microsoft News app on your computer and then click on the “Sources” tab in the left-hand menu.


To add news sources to Microsoft News, click the Sources tab in the left-hand menu

You can look through the individual categories or search for a news source (for instance, “BBC”) using the search bar.

您可以浏览各个类别或使用搜索栏搜索新闻源(例如“ BBC”)。

When you find your chosen news source, click the star icon in the bottom-left of the news card. To remove a source you dislike, click on the star again to remove it.

找到所选新闻源后,请单击新闻卡左下方的星号图标。 要删除您不喜欢的来源,请再次单击星标将其删除。

To add or remove a news source in Microsoft News, click he sources tab, then select your news source, clicking the star icon to add/remove it

The news sources you choose will then appear in the “My Sources” tab and will also appear as part of the selections in the “My News” tab.


To access your favorite news sources in the Microsoft News app, click the My Sources tab

Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to completely hide any news sources you dislike from the Microsoft News app. Specific sources may still appear as prominent news stories and in other sections of the app.

不幸的是,不可能从Microsoft News应用程序中完全隐藏您不喜欢的任何新闻源。 特定来源仍可能作为重要新闻报道出现在应用程序的其他部分。

To avoid seeing them, you can stick to reading news stories from sources you prefer in the “My Sources” and “My News” tabs instead.


如何在Microsoft新闻中显示本地新闻 (How to Display Local News in Microsoft News)

For local news, the “Local” tab can be configured to display news stories for your current or favorite locations.


Click the “Local” tab in the left-hand menu to access it.


To add local news to Microsoft News, click the Local tab in the left-hand menu

To add a location to the app, click anywhere within the “Local” tab to bring up the search panel.


From there, type in a location and click on it to configure the News app to show stories about that location.


To add a location to Microsoft News, click anywhere in the Local tab, type in a location and click on it to add it

Once configured, if you want to switch the “Local” panel to another location, click on the “Locations” button found next to the search bar.


From here, search for the new location and click on it.


In the Microsoft News Local tab, click the Location icon, then search for a location and click on it

The “Local” tab will then update with stories and categories for the new location.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/450445/how-to-customize-windows-10s-news-app/

小程序 自定义组件 应用