
A tasks list can be convenient but most times you can not include details for those tasks or have to have an online account to do so. If you want to keep your tasks list with you on your computer or laptop and be able to add plenty of details then you might want to look at toDoo.

任务列表可能很方便,但是大多数情况下,您无法提供这些任务的详细信息,或者必须拥有在线帐户。 如果您希望将任务列表保存在计算机或笔记本电脑上,并且能够添加大量详细信息,则可能需要查看toDoo。

Note: Requires Adobe AIR (download link at bottom of article).

注意:需要Adobe AIR(文章底部的下载链接)。

toDoo in Action


Once you have installed toDoo everything is rather straightforward for getting started. The first time that you start toDoo there will be a temporary “fill-in” for the “Subject & Details Areas”. Simply highlight over the temporary text and add your information. Notice that if desired you can easily set a custom date and time for your tasks right below the “Details Area”.

一旦安装了toDoo,就可以轻松入门。 第一次开始Doo时,“主题和详细信息区域”将是一个临时的“填写”。 只需突出显示临时文本并添加您的信息即可。 请注意,如果需要,您可以在“详细信息区域”正下方轻松地为任务设置自定义日期和时间。

Note: toDoo does not minimize to the “System Tray”.



Once you have everything set all that you need to do is click on “add task”.



Here was our first new task being viewed in the “toDoo Description Tab”.

这是我们的第一个新任务,正在“ toDoo描述”选项卡中进行查看。


Time to add a second task…here you can see the drop-down calendar. You can scroll through and select a different month very easily…just click on the desired day and it will be automatically set.

是时候添加第二项任务了……在这里您可以看到下拉日历。 您可以轻松滚动并选择其他月份…只需单击所需的日期,它将自动设置。


Adding our second task…



If you need to edit any of the details for a particular task you can do so in the “Edit toDoo Tab”. This nice little app is convenient and easy to use.

如果您需要编辑特定任务的任何详细信息,可以在“编辑too选项卡”中进行。 这个漂亮的小应用程序既方便又易于使用。




ToDoo is a simple straightforward app that lets you keep track of your tasks list and relevant details without an online account (especially helpful if you are without a wireless connection at a given moment). If you are looking for more of a list approach that runs on your desktop, then check out our article on Doomi here.

ToDoo是一个简单易用的应用程序,可让您无需在线帐户即可跟踪任务列表和相关详细信息(特别是在给定时刻没有无线连接的情况下特别有用)。 如果您正在寻找台式机上运行的更多列表方法,请在此处查看有关Doomi的文章。



Download ToDoo at Softpedia


Download ToDoo at Adobe Marketplace

在Adobe Marketplace下载ToDoo

Download Adobe AIR

下载Adobe AIR

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14285/keep-track-of-your-tasks-with-todoo/