


One of the best extensions for Firefox is Tab Mix Plus because of the enhancements to the tab browsing that can’t be found elsewhere. There is also another extension called tab browser extensions that provides similar functionality.

最佳的Firefox扩展之一是Tab Mix Plus,因为对标签浏览的增强是其他地方无法找到的。 还有另一个称为选项卡浏览器扩展的扩展,可提供类似的功能。

There are two options that provide similar but possibly confusing functionality. You can see in the screenshot below the Protect Tab and Lock Tab on the menu.

有两个选项提供相似但可能令人困惑的功能。 您可以在菜单上“保护”选项卡和“锁定”选项卡下面的屏幕截图中看到。

Here’s when you should use each feature:


Protect Tab


  • If you want to make sure that a tab cannot be closed. This is useful to make certain you don’t accidentally close a tab.

    如果要确保不能关闭选项卡。 这对于确保您不会意外关闭选项卡很有用。

Lock Tab


  • A lock tab cannot navigate to a new URL. This means that it is “locked” on the current URL. If you have this tab selected and you click a bookmark link, history, or a link on the page, the link will open in a new tab.

    锁定标签无法导航到新的URL。 这意味着它被“锁定”在当前URL上。 如果选择了此选项卡,然后单击书签链接,历史记录或页面上的链接,则该链接将在新选项卡中打开。

You can also combine the two on a single tab. For instance, I both lock and protect my Google Reader tab, which I always keep as the first tab so I can quickly switch back to it.

您也可以将两者合并在一个选项卡上。 例如,我同时锁定并保护了我的Google阅读器标签,该标签始终保持为第一个标签,因此我可以快速切换回该标签。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/when-to-use-protect-tab-vs-lock-tab-in-firefox/
