

Nielsen annual marketing report. Marketing is continuously transforming, and many marketers are spending more money on digital media. In fact, over half of all advertising budgets in the US are spent on digital marketing. But how can marketers know the efficiency of these new channels? 尼尔森年度营销报告 。 营销正在不断转型,许多营销人员正在数字媒体上花费更多的钱。 实际上,在美国所有广告预算中,有超过一半用于数字营销。 但是营销人员如何才能知道这些新渠道的效率?

As mixed feelings continue to grow, digital channels continue to expand. Many marketers believe they don't have the right tools to evaluate ROI across all ad campaigns properly. Digital marketing investments are typically made with a belief of value that's not supported by actual data. As a result, treasured marketing dollars are wasted, and more lucrative marketing strategies are overlooked. However, to maintain long-term success in marketing, you need to substantiate your marketing strategies.

随着混合情绪的持续增长,数字渠道也在不断扩大。 许多营销人员认为,他们没有合适的工具来正确评估所有广告系列的投资回报率。 数字营销投资通常是在没有实际数据支持的价值观念下进行的。 结果,浪费了宝贵的营销资金,而忽略了利润丰厚的营销策略。 但是,要保持营销的长期成功,您需要证实您的营销策略。

Digital has had a significant impact on marketing. As a result, consumer purchases can no longer be pinpointed to a particular campaign. A fragmented path makes it difficult to create the perfect marketing mix that leads to more customers. Unfortunately, this is just one of the many challenges that marketers are facing today.

数字化对营销产生了重大影响。 结果,消费者的购买不再能够针对特定的活动。 支离破碎的道路使得创建完美的营销组合难以吸引更多的客户。 不幸的是,这只是营销人员当今面临的众多挑战之一。

数字媒体预算:感知与现实 (Digital Media Budgets: Perception Versus Reality)

An analysis of over 350 marketers revealed some disturbing information. With the expansion of digital, the novelty of it is impacting marketers' confidence. These channels are used despite any proven ability of success. Decisions are made on perception rather than reality. Moreover, perceived value increases spending. It's scary because a faulty marketing structure can cause a company to lose millions of dollars on ineffective advertisements.

对350多个营销人员的分析显示了一些令人不安的信息。 随着数字技术的扩展,其新颖性正在影响营销人员的信心。 尽管已证明有成功的能力,但仍使用这些渠道。 决策是基于感知而非现实。 此外,感知价值增加了​​支出。 这很可怕,因为错误的营销结构可能导致公司因无效广告而损失数百万美元。

Just as in 2018, paid searches and social media continue to top the list. They are now joined by video. Many successful digital marketers have found other channels to be less effective, like podcasts, streaming audio, and mobile advertisements. Some marketers have high confidence in email marketing, and that's not hard to understand because it's easier to calculate the ROI.

与2018年一样,付费搜索和社交媒体继续位居榜首。 现在,他们通过视频加入了。 许多成功的数字营销商已经发现其他渠道的效果不佳,例如播客,流音频和移动广告。 一些营销人员对电子邮件营销充满信心,这不难理解,因为它可以更轻松地计算投资回报率。

Surprisingly, social media and video marketing lack behind email marketing. Many marketers have been confident about these new digital channels and perceive them as being effective with no data to support a successful ROI. They continue to reinvest, sometimes over 12 months, even when the performance is lackluster. However, the strategies are different when using traditional forms of media like print, radio, or TV. These conventional forms of advertisement have existed longer, and if they fail to produce desired results, advertising dollars are abruptly halted. It appears marketers are holding traditional channels to a higher standard than digital.

令人惊讶的是,社交媒体和视频营销缺少电子邮件营销。 许多营销人员对这些新的数字渠道充满信心,并认为它们在没有数据的情况下是有效的,无法成功支持ROI。 他们会继续进行再投资,有时甚至超过12个月,即使业绩表现欠佳。 但是,使用印刷,广播或电视等传统媒体形式时,策略有所不同。 这些传统形式的广告已经存在了更长的时间,并且如果它们不能产生期望的结果,广告美元就会突然停止。 营销人员似乎将传统渠道的标准保持在比数字渠道更高的水平。

直觉还不够。 寻找可以确认您对媒体看法的测量解决方案。 尽管很难确定哪种营销方式会影响客户的行为,但对于营销活动的长期成功而言,这是必要的。 考虑与行业专家交流,克服学习上的困难,以了解您的投资是否在安全的港口。 (Intuition is not enough. Look for measurement solutions that can confirm your media perceptions. While it's difficult to determine what course of marketing influences customer behavior, it's necessary for the long-term success of your marketing campaign. Consider talking to an industry expert and overcome any learning curves to know if your investments are in a safe harbor.)

数据质量不是重中之重 (Data Quality is Not a Priority)

An effective marketing campaign begins with clear objectives and strategies for utilizing all media channels effectively. But once you built a strategy, what method is used to determine its effectiveness? Audience targeting is one of the top strategies used by successful marketers.

有效的营销活动始于制定有效利用所有媒体渠道的明确目标和策略。 但是,一旦制定了策略,将使用哪种方法来确定其有效性? 受众群体定位是成功营销人员使用的顶级策略之一。

Remarkably, many brands are less concerned with data quality than agencies. This can bring problems in the long run. Companies typically have access to more data than agencies. They can track historical data like partnerships, customer behavior, and campaign performance.

值得注意的是,与代理机构相比,许多品牌对数据质量的关注较少。 从长远来看,这可能会带来问题。 与代理机构相比,公司通常可以访问更多数据。 他们可以跟踪历史数据,例如合作伙伴关系,客户行为和活动绩效。

Data quality is essential, and the fact that it's being minimized is a significant concern. Without precise information, marketers must also think about how it can ultimately affect their relationship with their agency. After all, a marketer is paid for the results.

数据质量至关重要,而将数据最小化这一事实是一个重大问题。 如果没有准确的信息,营销人员还必须考虑它如何最终影响他们与代理商的关系。 毕竟,营销商会为结果付费。

不要误以为数据质量不是必不可少的。 在关注目标受众的同时提高数据质量。 (Don't be misled into thinking that data quality is not essential. Improve data quality while focusing on targeting your audience.)

数字将打破广告和贸易促销 (Digital Will Break Down Advertising & Trade Promotions)

Many marketers see media, whether it's paid or unpaid, as a more successful strategy than trade promotion. It's quite interesting because companies tend to spend more on trade promotions then media advertisements. That's often due to trade promotions being considered as part of the process of doing business. This may have been true years ago, but not today.

许多营销人员将媒体(无论是付费还是无偿)视为比贸易促销更为成功的策略。 这很有趣,因为公司倾向于在贸易促销上花费比在媒体广告上更多的钱。 这通常是由于贸易促销被视为开展业务过程的一部分。 这可能在几年前是正确的,但今天不是。

Trade promotion is a good way of marketing services and goods. Eventually, digital will disrupt how products and services are promoted. Future technology like augmented and virtual reality will minimize marketing errors and allow greater control over in-store performance. This will not only increase available data but also cause better planning and performance.

贸易促进是营销服务和商品的好方法。 最终,数字化将破坏产品和服务的推广方式。 增强技术和虚拟现实等未来技术将最大程度地减少营销错误,并更好地控制店内绩效。 这不仅会增加可用数据,还会导致更好的计划和性能。

促销具有巨大的价值,因此请不要忽视它们。 他们可以提供有关消费者的重要数据,例如购物习惯和转化趋势。 避免将注意力转移到付费媒体上,让他们参与赚钱的媒体。 (There's enormous value in promotions, so don't overlook them. They can provide critical data about consumers, like shopping habits and conversion trends. Avoid the misappropriated focus on paid media and engage them towards earned media.)

影响OTT采纳的障碍 (Obstacles Affecting OTT Adoption)

OTT has the potential to be a fantastic marketing platform, for it bridges together digital and traditional media. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why it happens to fail. Some of the primary reasons are measurement capabilities, internal knowledge gaps, and media planning efficiency/transparency. What's interesting is that the inability to adopt OTT as a central platform for marketing is complicated with many challenges.

OTT有可能成为出色的营销平台,因为它将数字媒体和传统媒体联系在一起。 不幸的是,失败的原因有很多。 一些主要原因是衡量能力,内部知识差距以及媒体规划效率/透明度。 有趣的是,无法将OTT用作营销的中央平台变得很复杂,并面临许多挑战。

However, some savvy marketers are taking the challenge head-on before competition crowds out opportunity. Success will come down to evaluating complex web factors that affect consumer behavior. One way of overcoming these obstacles is by partnering up with other brands to fill in those gaps. Another obstacle is the difference in how the platform is viewed. Brands often see targeting and measurement as a huge obstacle, whereas agencies don't.

但是,一些精明的营销人员会在竞争挤出机会之前迎接挑战。 成功将归结于评估影响消费者行为的复杂网络因素。 克服这些障碍的一种方法是与其他品牌合作填补这些空白。 另一个障碍是平台观看方式的差异。 品牌通常将定位和衡量视为一个巨大的障碍,而代理商则没有。

优先考虑新客户 (Preference is Given to New Customers)

The 80/20 rule continues to hold on top for most marketers. It's expected that 20% of a business's customers are responsible for 80% of its revenue. Despite this, marketers often place greater importance on new customers. When respondents were asked about their top marketing objectives, 41% were giving priority to obtaining new customers. Another 28% focused on expanding brand awareness, whereas only 13% were primarily focused on customer retention. Undeniably, this is a missed opportunity for many marketers.

对于大多数营销人员而言,80/20规则仍然占据上风。 预计公司业务的20%的客户负责其80%的收入。 尽管如此,营销人员通常还是将新客户放在更重要的位置。 当受访者被问及他们的主要营销目标时,有41%的人优先考虑获得新客户。 另有28%的人专注于扩大品牌知名度,而只有13%的人专注于保留客户。 不可否认,对于许多营销人员来说,这是一个错失的机会。

A recent study conducted by Nielsen suggests that disloyalty among existing customers is growing. This confirms that the 80/20 rule may not be a source for determining future revenue. Since a brand name is no longer a determining factor in the purchasing of goods, marketers need to focus more on retention. Agencies often operate from emphatic directives, whereas brands may focus on the bigger picture.

尼尔森(Nielsen)最近进行的一项研究表明,现有客户之间的不忠诚感正在增加。 这证实了80/20规则可能不是确定未来收入的来源。 由于品牌不再是购买商品的决定因素,因此营销人员需要更多地关注保留度。 代理商通常采用强调性的指令来运作,而品牌则可能专注于更大的前景。

为高价值客户实施不同的营销策略,主要侧重于保留并提高客户满意度。 然后将您的营销目标传达给代理商,这样他们就会知道您的目标是什么。 (Implement different marketing strategies for high-value customers, primarily focusing on retention and increasing customers' satisfaction. Then communicate your marketing objectives to your agency, so they will know what your goals are.)

给营销人员的建议 (Recommendations for Marketers)

  • Consider these tactical recommendations for higher profits from investments while improving long-term outcomes;

  • Communicate goals and strategies clearly. Don't assume that the agency knows what your intentions are;

    清晰地传达目标和策略。 不要以为代理机构知道您的意图;
  • Educate yourself on the negative impacts of disproportionately focusing on paid media. Don't underestimate the importance of promotions, that's how you'll learn more about your clients;

    让自己了解过度关注付费媒体的负面影响。 不要低估促销的重要性,这就是您将了解有关客户的更多信息的方式。
  • Data quality is essential; it tells you what works and what's not. Customer targeting cannot be successful if the data does not support it. Therefore, work on improving your data quality efforts;

    数据质量至关重要; 它告诉您什么有效,什么无效。 如果数据不支持,则无法成功定位客户。 因此,请努力改善数据质量;
  • Continue to invest in paid search, social media, and video, but don't forget about email along with other channels that can support your marketing goals;

  • OTT efficiency can be increased through industry partnerships. Therefore, build your existing skills, test small campaigns, and start forming alliances;

    可以通过行业合作关系提高OTT效率。 因此,建立您的现有技能,测试小型活动并开始组建联盟;
  • Don't run your marketing based on guesswork. You need to know what works better. Measuring ROI can be complicated, so it's better to cooperate with industry experts to overcome learning curves. At first, it may seem overwhelming, but it will pay off in the long run.

    不要基于猜测进行营销。 您需要知道哪种方法更好。 测量ROI可能很复杂,因此最好与行业专家合作克服学习曲线。 乍一看,它似乎势不可挡,但从长远来看,它会有所回报。
  • You need to recognize that your media decisions, to some extent, are guided by perceptions rather than data. Acquire measurement solutions that will validate or disprove your present course of action.

    您需要认识到,您的媒体决策在一定程度上是由感知而非数据决定的。 获取将验证或否定您当前行动方针的测量解决方案。
  • Perception of channels rather than hard data should not be used to determine media planning.


In conclusion, the perception has been a natural course for many marketers, but now they are starting to get nervous. They begin to realize that the payoffs are not matching enthusiasm. The good thing is that the industry is continuously working to bring marketing solutions that can help with this problem. It's anticipated that these solutions will allow marketers to make better decisions that will be more cost-effective and profitable.

总而言之,对许多营销人员而言,感知是自然的过程,但是现在他们开始变得紧张起来。 他们开始意识到,回报与热情不符。 好消息是,该行业一直在努力提供可帮助解决此问题的营销解决方案。 预计这些解决方案将使营销人员能够做出更好的决策,从而更具成本效益和利润。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/497042/
