
If you’ve actually used the internet before, you’ve probably come across a page with an auto-playing YouTube clip, and chances are good it was a rather annoying one. Here’s how to stop them from starting automatically in Chrome.

如果您以前曾经实际使用过互联网,那么您可能会遇到带有自动播放YouTube剪辑的页面,并且很可能这是一个非常令人讨厌的页面。 以下是阻止它们在Chrome中自动启动的方法。

We’ve already told you how to stop them from automatically playing if you’re a Firefox user (best answer: use Flashblock!), but now it’s time for Chrome users to get their turn.

我们已经告诉您, 如果您是Firefox用户,如何阻止他们自动播放 (最佳答案:使用Flashblock !),但现在是时候让Chrome用户轮到他们了。

Use the Stop Autoplay for YouTube Extension


The great thing about this extension is that it stops the video from playing, but it allows it to continue buffering, so when you do feel like playing the video, it’ll already be downloaded—really useful for people with slower internet connections.


There’s no UI or anything fancy, just head to the extension page and click the Install button.



If you want to get rid of it later, use the Tools –> Extensions menu (or you can type chrome://extensions/ into your address bar), and then click the Uninstall link for that add-on.

如果以后想摆脱它,请使用“工具”->“扩展”菜单(或者您可以在地址栏中键入chrome:// extensions /),然后单击该加载项的“卸载”链接。


Download Stop Autoplay for YouTube [Google Chrome Extensions]

下载YouTube自动停止播放功能 [Google Chrome浏览器扩展程序]

Using FlashBlock for Chrome

使用FlashBlock for Chrome

If you really wanted to, you could just disable Flash across the board using FlashBlock for Chrome. Once you’ve installed the extension, you won’t see any Flash elements anywhere, and you’ll have to move your mouse over them and click to enable them each time.

如果确实需要,您可以使用FlashBlock for Chrome全面禁用Flash。 安装扩展程序后,您将在任何地方都看不到任何Flash元素,并且必须将鼠标移到它们上方,然后每次单击以启用它们。


When I installed the extension the first time, I noticed that YouTube was already in the allow list. I’m not sure if that’s the default setting or not, but you can use the icon in the address bar, or the Options from the Extensions panel to get to the settings page, and from there you can remove anything from the White List that you wouldn’t want.

第一次安装扩展程序时,我注意到YouTube已经在允许列表中。 我不确定这是否是默认设置,但是您可以使用地址栏中的图标或“扩展”面板中的“选项”进入设置页面,然后可以从“白名单”中删除任何内容你不会想要的。


Another nice feature about Flash Block is that it can also block Silverlight, or you could simply uninstall or remove unnecessary Chrome plug-ins.

Flash Block的另一个不错的功能是,它还可以阻止Silverlight,或者您可以简单地卸载或删除不必要的Chrome插件

Download FlashBlock for Chrome


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15793/stop-youtube-videos-from-automatically-playing-in-chrome/