如何在iPhone和OS X上更改表情符号肤色

Emoji are great and everybody is using them nowadays, having become an integral part of how people express themselves in text messages, but one might notice that some emoji don’t represent how everyone looks.


Many emoji represent people – faces, hands, arms – and it’s fair to say, they’re largely Simpsons-esque. While the skin tone of your emoji may not phase you in the slightest, others may wish their skin tone was more accurately represented.

许多表情符号代表人-脸,手,臂-可以说,它们很大程度上是Simpsons风格的。 虽然表情符号的肤色可能不会使您有丝毫相位变化,但其他人可能希望更准确地表示他们的肤色。

In the following screenshot, you see what we mean. In the Smileys & People emojis, there are an assortment of thumbs, gestures, and other body parts.

在以下屏幕截图中,您将了解我们的意思。 在表情符号和人物表情符号中,有各种各样的拇指,手势和其他身体部位。

If you want to use alternative emoji skin tones on iOS, then first pick the emoji you want and long-press on it. This will let you pick another skin tone.

如果您想在iOS上使用其他表情符号肤色,请首先选择所需的表情符号并在其上长按。 这可以让您选择其他肤色。

Swipe over a bit and you can do the same thing to faces.


Once you pick another skin tone, it will remain that skin tone unless you pick another.


On OS X, it works very much the same way, open up the emojis panel and click and hold on any appropriate face, hand, etc. and it will give you alternative skin tones.

在OS X上,它的工作方式几乎相同,打开表情符号面板,然后单击并按住任意合适的脸部,手部等,它将为您提供替代的肤色。

Again, like on iOS once you pick a different skin tone, it will remain until you change it to another one. There doesn’t appear to be a way to change all your emoji in one go.

再次,就像在iOS上选择不同的肤色一样,它将保留直到您将其更改为另一种为止。 似乎没有一种方法可以一次性更改所有表情符号。

Apple introduced skin tones to their emoji in OS X 10.10 and iOS 8.3, but you may not necessarily be aware of them because they’re not immediately apparent. Hopefully now, changing your emojis will let you express yourself in a more meaningful, personal manner.

Apple在OS X 10.10和iOS 8.3中向其表情符号引入了肤色,但您可能不一定会意识到它们,因为它们并不立即可见。 希望现在,更改表情符号可以让您以更有意义,更个性化的方式表达自己。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/260800/how-to-change-emoji-skin-tones-on-iphone-and-os-x/