mac IDEA 快捷键

mac IDEA 快捷键

Action shortcut
Find action by name ⇧⌘A
Insert a live template(自动代码) ⌘J
方法参数提示 ⌘P
Surround with a live template. ⌥⌘J
Comment or uncomment a line or fragment of code with the line or block comment. ⌥/     ⌥⌘/
select method to override. ⌘O
delete a line ⌘D
Find/replace text in the project or in the specified directory ⇧⌘F ⇧⌃R
Search everywhere. Double-press Shift
Quick view the usages of the selected symbol. ⇧⌘F7
Invoke code completion. ⌃Space
Smart statement completion. ⇧⌘⏎
大小写转换 ⌃⇧U
Show the list of available refactorings (Refactor This). ⌃T
最小化当前窗口 ⌘M
格式化代码 ⌥⌘L
首选项 ⌘,
查找类 ⌘N
回到上次编辑的地方 ⌥⌘ 左
Make project ⌘F9
debug step over F8
debug step out ⌥F8
debug step into F7
debug run end F9
快速查看帮助文档 ⌃J
git commit ⌘K
git push ⌥⌘K
格式化 ⌥⌘L

说明:⌃J 相似于 eclipse 中把鼠标放在方法或字段上方(即 hover)git

