
阿里云服务器优惠券 优惠券

on't rely on Oracle to install Java properly on your Mac.html

Use Homebrew. this will install the latest jdk:java

brew cask install java

If you want to manage multiple versions of Java on your Mac, consider using jenv.git

UPDATE: Now that Java 8 is no longer the most current version, if you want java 8 install it this way: github

brew tap caskroom/versions
brew cask install java8

To get a list of all older versions of java:  brew tap caskroom/versions and then brew cask search java服务器

We use brew cask since we'd otherwise use the Oracle GUI installer that will likely not install Java properly on your Mac. (Use brew cask install APP to install GUI apps; use brew install APP.) Java is not a GUI app; It should not require "cask" but at least Oracle is consistent.app