


If you keep a lot of bookmarks available in your Bookmarks Toolbar then you know that accessing some of them is not as easy as you would like. Now you can simplify the access process with the Multirow Bookmarks Toolbar for Firefox.

如果您在“书签工具栏”中保留了很多书签,那么您就会知道访问其中的某些书签并不如您所愿。 现在,您可以使用Firefox的“多行书签”工具栏简化访问过程。



As you can see it has not taken long to fill up our “Bookmarks Toolbar” and use of the drop-down list is required. If you do not keep too many bookmarks in the “Bookmarks Toolbar” then that may not be a bad thing but what if you have a very large number of bookmarks there?

如您所见,填写我们的“书签工具栏”用了很长时间,并且需要使用下拉列表。 如果您在“书签工具栏”中没有保留太多的书签,那可能不是一件坏事,但是如果那里有大量的书签该怎么办?


Multirow Bookmarks Toolbar in Action


As soon as you have installed the extension and restarted Firefox you will see the default three rows display. If you are not worried about UI space then you are good to go. Those of you who like keeping the UI space to a minimum will want to have a look at this next part…

安装扩展程序并重新启动Firefox后,您将看到默认的三行显示。 如果您不担心UI空间,那您就走了。 那些希望将UI空间保持在最低限度的人会想看看下一部分...


You are not locked into a “three rows setup” with this extension. If you are ok with two rows then you can select for that in the “Options” and and enjoy a mini scrollbar on the right side. For our example we still had easy access to all three rows.

您没有被此扩展锁定为“三行设置”。 如果您同意两行,则可以在“选项”中进行选择,然后在右侧享受一个迷你滚动条。 对于我们的示例,我们仍然可以轻松访问所有三行。


Two rows still too much? Not a problem. Set the number of rows for one only in the “Options” and still enjoy that scrolling goodness. If you do select for one row only do not panic when you do not see a scrollbar…it is still there. Hold your mouse over where the scrollbar is shown in the image above and use your middle mouse button to scroll through the multiple rows. You can see the transition between the second and third rows on our browser here… Nice, huh?

两排还太多吗? 没问题 仅在“选项”中设置一行的行数,仍然可以享受滚动效果。 如果仅选择一行,当您看不到滚动条时,不要惊慌…它仍然存在。 将鼠标悬停在上图中显示滚动条的位置,然后使用鼠标中键滚动浏览多行。 您可以在我们的浏览器中看到第二行和第三行之间的转换…很好,是吗?




The “Options” are extremely easy to work with…just enable/disable the extension here and set the number of rows that you want visible.





While the Multirow Bookmarks Toolbar extension may not seem like much at first glance it does provide some nice flexibility for your “Bookmarks Toolbar”. You can save space and access your bookmarks easily without those drop-down lists.

乍一看,“ Multirow书签工具栏”扩展似乎并不多,但确实为“书签工具栏”提供了一些不错的灵活性。 您可以节省空间并轻松访问书签,而无需那些下拉列表。

If you are looking for another great way to make the best use of the space available in your “Bookmarks Toolbar” then be sure to read our article on the Smart Bookmarks Bar extension for Firefox here.




Download the Multirow Bookmarks Toolbar extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

下载Multirow Bookmarks工具栏扩展(Mozilla附加组件)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13923/add-a-scrollable-multi-row-bookmarks-toolbar-to-firefox/
