



Imagine that the web itself had an app store, and your clicked "New Releases" to see the latest websites that the web just published. It would be 99% crap. And that's being generous.

想象一下,网络本身有一个应用程序商店,您单击“新版本”以查看该网络刚刚发布的最新网站。 这将是99%的废话。 这很慷慨。

Having a section in your App Store called "New Releases" is always going to make your store look bad, just like it would the web. Most of the web is random garbage. It's curation - both professional and social - that makes the internet great.

在App Store中拥有一个名为“ New Releases”的部分总是会使您的商店看起来很糟糕,就像在网络上一样。 网络上的大多数都是随机垃圾。 策划-专业和社交-使互联网变得很棒。

  • Professional curation are sites like BoingBoing that have a team of folks that go looking for awesome. If you only hang out at BoingBoing, the whole internet is awesome.

    专业策划是像BoingBoing这样的网站,这些网站的一班人正在寻找很棒的人。 如果您仅在BoingBoing上闲逛,那么整个互联网都很棒。

  • Social curation are sites like Reddit that have a mob of anonymous strangers that go looking...for stuff. If you only hang out at Reddit, the whole internet is...different.

    社交策展是Reddit之类的网站,那里有一群匿名的陌生人,他们一直在寻找...的东西。 如果您只在Reddit闲逛,那么整个互联网都是...不同的。
  • Another kind of Social curation is discovery by hanging out with your tribe. Your friends on Facebook and Twitter, even those crazy links your parents insist on emailing you (while including the cc: list from the previous 15 forwards.) We see the internet through these filters: our friends, and our trusted news sources.

    另一种社交策划是通过与您的部落闲逛来发现。 您在Facebook和Twitter上的朋友,甚至那些父母疯狂的链接都坚持通过电子邮件向您发送电子邮件(同时包括前15个转发中的cc:列表。)我们通过以下过滤器查看互联网:我们的朋友和值得信赖的新闻来源。

Notice that the Chrome Web Store doesn't have this "latest" or "newest" section. The whole thing is curated. You can't find garbage on that store unless you go searching for garbage. Nothing makes it to the front unless it's picked, selected, loved.

请注意,Chrome网上应用店没有此“最新”或“最新”部分。 整个事情都经过精心策划。 除非您要搜索垃圾,否则无法在该商店上找到垃圾。 除非被挑选,选择和喜爱,否则什么都不会成为最前沿。

The same is true for the iTunes/iOS App Store. It feels high quality because only high quality apps are ever put in front of you. You have to actively LOOK for crappy apps (there's a whole iceberg of them). The larger the iOS store gets, the more "Hall of Fames" and "Best of the Best" collections are created by humans who work there, thereby increasing the general sense of awesome.

iTunes / iOS App Store也是如此。 因为只有高品质的应用程序才会摆在您面前,所以感觉到高品质。 您必须积极寻找糟糕的应用程序(其中有很多冰山一角)。 iOS商店的规模越大,在此工作的人们就会创造出更多的“名人堂”和“最佳之选”系列,从而增强了人们的超凡脱俗感。

These Halls of Fames and Recommended Apps are the App Store equivalent of preferred shelf placement at a physical store. Awesome stuff, popular stuff, or influential stuff is at eye-level or on an end-cap. Crappy stuff is buried - you have to look for it. I don't want to see an aisle at the grocery store that's "newest releases." It would be totally random and likely not give me a good impression of the store.

这些名人堂和推荐应用程序相当于实体商店中首选货架放置的App Store。 令人敬畏的东西,受欢迎的东西或有影响力的东西在视线范围内或在上限上。 肮脏的东西被掩埋了-您必须寻找它。 我不想在杂货店看到“最新版本”的过道。 这将是完全随机的,可能不会给我留下很好的印象。

Intense curation is good and bad. First, it is exclusionary by its nature. Curation is filtering. You're counting on humans to basically check out every app there is and decide what's awesome. There's likely also some "who you know" type stuff going on. That's gotta stress the indie developer out. How do you get noticed? Word of mouth sometimes works, but not until there's some critical mass. It's not like Angry Birds would submit a new app and then cross their fingers and hope it gets noticed. For every discovered gem that the iTunes store declares "New and Notable" there's surely ten that are "Knew Someone at the App Store" or "Had a PR Person."

强烈的策展是好是坏。 首先,它的性质是排斥性的。 策展正在过滤。 您指望人们从根本上检查出每个应用程序,然后决定哪些功能很棒。 可能还会出现一些“您知道的人”类型的东西。 这一定会让独立开发人员感到压力。 您如何得到注意? 口口相传有时会奏效,但要等到达到临界水平才行。 这并不是像《愤怒的小鸟》会提交新的应用程序然后交叉指责并希望它引起注意。 对于iTu​​nes商店宣布为“新发现且引人注目的”的每一个发现的宝石,肯定有十个是“在App Store中认识某人”或“拥有PR人员”。

Without solid curation, nearly every list sucks. NetFlix works so hard on their recommendation engine -even giving $1M prizes to anyone who could make recommendations better - and I still end up going to more than I go to NetFlix. Why? Curation.

没有扎实的策展,几乎每个列表都糟透了。 NetFlix在他们的推荐引擎上非常努力-甚至向可以提出更好建议的人提供了100万美元的奖金-而且我仍然比访问NetFlix更愿意访问 。 为什么? 策展。

Certainly if you go looking for crap, you'll find it, but if you're an App Store, try to hide your shame.

当然,如果您要寻找废话,就会找到,但是如果您是App Store,请尝试掩饰自己的耻辱。

iPhone Fart Apps

In the take no prisoners (new) world of App Stores, good curation is perception management. It also sets publishers up for success. Read about the story of the iOS app "A Beautiful Mess" and how they have been playing Whack-a-Mole with evil copy-cat apps. Apps with the same name and icon trying to get downloads on the back of A Beautiful Mess's success. With a more aggressive policy on this kind of stuff, the iOS App Store could help the folks at A Beautiful Mess focus on their app, and not an endless defense of their own online brand.

在App Store的不败之地(新)中,良好的策展是感知管理。 这也使出版商获得成功。 阅读有关iOS应用程序“ A Beautiful Mess”的故事,以及他们如何与邪恶的模仿应用程序一起玩Whack-a-Mole。 具有相同名称和图标的应用程序试图在A Beautiful Mess成功的背后获得下载。 通过对此类内容采取更积极的政策,iOS App Store可以帮助A Beautiful Mess的人们专注于他们的应用程序,而不是无休止地捍卫自己的在线品牌。

A Beautiful Mess - Clones and Grifters

That's a mess, even with the victim actively trying to fix the problem. It's worse if the brand in question isn't paying attention. Look in fear at the Windows 8 App Store when you search for "Facebook." Every single one using the Facebook name and Facebook icon. And every single one likely sucks.

即使受害人积极地试图解决问题,这也是一团糟。 如果所关注的品牌没有引起注意,那就更糟了。 当您搜索“ Facebook”时,请Windows 8 App Store中感到恐惧 每个人都使用Facebook名称和Facebook图标。 而且每一个可能很烂。


Remember Broken Windows Theory, with my modifications.


The theory states that maintaining and monitoring [App Stores] in a well-ordered condition may stop further vandalism and escalation into more serious crime.

该理论指出,在有条不紊的情况下维护和监视[App Store]可能会阻止进一步的破坏和升级为更严重的犯罪。

You gotta fix those broken windows before your App Store turns into a bad neighborhood.

您必须在App Store变成不良邻居之前修复那些破损的窗户。

Sponsor: A huge thank you to my friends at Red Gate for their support of the site this week. Check out Deployment Manager! Easy release management - Deploy your .NET apps, services and SQL Server databases in a single, repeatable process with Red Gate’s Deployment Manager. There’s a free Starter edition, so get started now!

赞助商:非常感谢我在红门的朋友们本周对网站的支持。 检查部署管理器! 轻松的发布管理-使用Red Gate的Deployment Manager在一个可重复的过程中部署.NET应用程序,服务和SQL Server数据库。 有一个免费的简化版,请立即开始

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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