
Touch ID and Face ID have made unlocking iPhones super fast and secure. It’s hard for someone to fake your fingerprint or face. Now, let’s do something about those short passcodes.

触控ID和面部ID使得解锁iPhone变得超级快速和安全。 有人很难伪造您的指纹或面部。 现在,让我们对这些短密码进行一些处理。

Security is always a balance between actual security and convenience. Before Touch ID, most people used a simple four-number passcode (or god forbid, just used swipe to unlock) because they were quick to enter and provided a small amount of security. Now, most people use a six digit code, but that’s still not very secure. Someone only has to glance over at you entering it once or twice to learn it.

安全性始终是实际安全性和便利性之间的平衡。 在使用Touch ID之前,大多数人都使用简单的四位数密码(或禁止使用,只需使用滑动即可解锁),因为他们可以快速输入并提供少量安全性。 现在,大多数人都使用六位数代码,但这仍然不是很安全。 只需输入一次或两次,您就可以浏览一遍以学习它。

Since Touch ID and Face ID are now so convenient, you can actually use a more secure passcode, or even a passphrase, without inconveniencing yourself too much. I so rarely have to enter my iPhone’s passcode, that the loss of convenience from taking a few seconds longer to enter it once or twice a day is made up for by the extra security. Here’s how to do it.

由于Touch ID和Face ID现在非常方便,因此您实际上可以使用更安全的密码甚至密码短语,而不会给自己带来太多麻烦。 我很少需要输入我的iPhone密码,而每天花一秒钟或两秒钟输入它又要花费几秒钟的时间,因此额外的安全性弥补了便利性的损失。 这是操作方法。

Go to Settings > Touch ID (or Face ID) and Passcode. You’ll need to enter your current passcode when you access that setting.

转到设置>触摸ID(或面部ID)和密码。 访问该设置时,您需要输入当前密码。

Select the “Change Passcode” option. You’ll need to enter your current passcode once again.

选择“更改密码”选项。 您需要再次输入当前密码。

Next, instead of entering a new passcode straight away, select “Passcode Options” at the bottom of the screen. Here you can choose between a Custom Alphanumeric Code (that’s a normal password with letters, numbers, and symbols to anyone who doesn’t speak security), a Custom Numeric Code (a code with numbers that can be any length), and a 4-Digit Numeric Code (bad, do not pick this option).

接下来,不要立即输入新密码,而是选择屏幕底部的“密码选项”。 在这里,您可以选择“自定义字母数字代码”(这是对不懂安全的人提供的字母,数字和符号的普通密码),“自定义数字代码”(可以是任意长度的数字的代码)和4 -数字数字代码(错误,请勿选择此选项)。

If you want the convenience of just entering numbers with the number keypad, select Custom Numeric Code. If you want to be able to use a strong password that can include any letter, number, or symbol, select Custom Alphanumeric Code.

如果您希望仅使用数字键盘输入数字就很方便,请选择“自定义数字代码”。 如果要使用可以包含任何字母,数字或符号的强密码,请选择“自定义字母数字代码”。

Whatever selection you make, you’ll need to enter your new passcode and then enter it again to verify.


And just like that, you’ve got yourself a new, much more secure passcode (or even password) for your iPhone.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/344973/how-to-use-a-more-secure-iphone-passcode/