Find the Connected Component in the Undirected Graph

Find the number connected component in the undirected graph. Each node in the graph contains a label and a list of its neighbors. (a connected component (or just component) of an undirected graph is a subgraph in which any two vertices are connected to each other by paths, and which is connected to no additional vertices in the supergraph.)node


BFS + Hashmap -------- get all nodes by BFS, record visited by hashmap优化

public class Solution {
     * @param nodes a array of Undirected graph node
     * @return a connected set of a Undirected graph

     //优化点------boolea[] visited instead of arraylist.contains()
    public List<List<Integer>> connectedSet(ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode> nodes) {
       int m = nodes.size();
        Map<UndirectedGraphNode, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<>();
       for (UndirectedGraphNode node : nodes){
            visited.put(node, false);
        List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (UndirectedGraphNode node : nodes){
            if (visited.get(node) == false){
                bfs(node, visited, result);
        return result;
     public void bfs(UndirectedGraphNode node, Map<UndirectedGraphNode, Boolean> visited, List<List<Integer>> result){
        List<Integer>row = new ArrayList<>();
        Queue<UndirectedGraphNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
        visited.put(node, true);
        while (!queue.isEmpty()){
            UndirectedGraphNode u = queue.poll();
            for (UndirectedGraphNode v : u.neighbors){
                if (visited.get(v) == false){
                    visited.put(v, true);