评论:Dremel 3D打印机和HP Sprout的初步印象

HP Sprout and Dremel

I've been having a blast with my new hobby - 3D Printing. I've only been printing for about 9 months but my kids and I are having fun which is what matters.

我的新爱好-3D打印一直很受欢迎。 我只打印了大约9个月,但我和我的孩子很开心,这很重要。

I've been using an HP Sprout PC (full review of the Sprout coming soon) along with a Dremel 3D Printer to build stuff with the boys. The Sprout is interesting not just for it's form-factor and Intel RealSense camera but also its 3D scanning platform. I don't have the platform yet but I have one on order. The idea is that the platform rotates the object to be scanned while the Intel 3D camera gets depth information, along with structured light scanning and a second 14 megapixels camera capturing textures.  I've got a video here showing the scanning of a teapot. The scans are not perfect, but the scans are a great kickstart for a new project. I'll cover the 3D scanner and HP Sprout more in another separate post, but I will say that it's very fast (an i7!) with a great touchscreen AND a projector with touch mat, so it's effectively a multimonitor multitouch two screen system. My wife has been "scanning" bills with it, while my boys have been spending many hour making StopMotion videos with their LEGOs.

我一直在使用HP Sprout PC (即将对Sprout进行全面评测)以及Dremel 3D打印机与男孩们一起组装东西。 Sprout不仅对它的外形尺寸和英特尔实感摄像头感兴趣,而且对其3D扫描平台也很有趣。 我还没有平台,但是我要订购一个。 这个想法是,平台将在Intel 3D摄像头获取深度信息的同时旋转要扫描的对象,以及结构化的光扫描和第二个14兆像素摄像头来捕获纹理。 我这里有一个录像带,显示了茶壶的扫描过程。 扫描并不完美,但是对于新项目而言,扫描是一个不错的开始。 我将在另一篇单独的文章中详细介绍3D扫描仪和HP Sprout,但是我要说的是,配备出色的触摸屏和带触摸垫的投影仪,它的速度非常快(i7!),因此它实际上是多显示器多点触摸两屏系统。 我的妻子一直在用它“扫描”账单,而我的男孩们已经花了很多时间与他们的乐高制作StopMotion视频

Dremel 3D打印机 (Dremel 3D Printer)

In this post I want to focus on the Dremel 3D printer. I've used a Printrbot for several months and have been very happy with it. It's definitely a hobbyist/hacker machine. Many people choose to build a Printrbot from a kit, not just to save money, but also to (forgive me) build one's own lightsaber.

在这篇文章中,我想重点介绍Dremel 3D打印机。 我已经使用了一个Printrbot几个月了,对此感到非常满意。 这绝对是一个业余爱好者/黑客机器。 许多人选择用工具包构建Printrbot,不仅是为了省钱,而且(原谅我)构建自己的光剑。

The Dremel feels more Consumer, or at least, Prosumer. While the Printrbot required a few hours before I was printing a basic object, with the Dremel I was printing within 15 minutes. No joke. Now, for a non-techie that might be an hour or so, but seriously, I unboxed it, leveled the bed, and pressed Build on the touchscreen.

Dremel感觉更像是消费者,或者至少是Prosumer。 当我打印基本对象之前Printrbot需要花费几个小时,而使用Dremel,我要在15分钟内进行打印。 不是开玩笑。 现在,对于可能需要一个小时左右但不是很认真的非技术人员,我将其拆箱,放平床,然后在触摸屏上按Build。

The Dremel uses PLA and a non-heated bed. There's special Dremel 3D Build Sheets, essentially like "BuildTak," that adhere to the bed. You also should (you don't have to, but it's easier) use Dremel's filament. Why?

Dremel使用PLA和非加热床。 有特殊的Dremel 3D Build Sheets ,基本上像“ BuildTak ”那样在床上。 您还应该(不必,但更容易)使用Dremel的灯丝。 为什么?

Let's unpack a few things here. No heated bed, use their filament, and just PLA. For the pro this might give you initial pause. But let me tell you - the prints are amazing. Here's a close up.

让我们在这里拆开一些东西。 没有加热床,使用其灯丝,仅使用PLA。 对于专业人士,这可能会给您带来最初的暂停。 但是,我告诉您-印刷品令人惊叹。 好了

My first @dremel 3d print. Was absolutely perfect and very smooth first try. #GoMakeThings

我的第一个@dremel 3d打印。 绝对完美,非常流畅,第一次尝试。 #GoMakeThings

A photo posted by Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) on

Scott Hanselman(@shanselman)发表的照片

This is the very first print. The filament runs at a much hotter temperature than I'm used to with PLA. They run it at 220C when I use 180C on my Printrbot. In the Dremel Reddit AMA they mentioned that all this is to maintain "it just works" quality, and I can say now after having printed about 40 things with the Dremel and am currently on my 4th Filament roll that it does just work. I have had one iffy print in 40 prints and it's still usable. Their build tape REALLY works, even with large surfaces. I have had no peeling up or warping.

这是第一张印刷品。 灯丝在比PLA更高的温度下运行。 当我在Printrbot上使用180C时,它们将在220C上运行。 在Dremel Reddit AMA中,他们提到所有这一切都是为了保持“它能正常工作”的质量,现在我可以说在用Dremel打印了大约40样东西之后,现在可以在我的第4根细丝卷上看到它可以工作了。 我已经在40张照片中打印出一幅难忘的照片,并且仍然可以使用。 即使在较大的表面上,他们的建筑胶带也确实可以工作。 我没有剥离或翘曲。

Here's a video of the Dremel in action.


Video of the @dremeltools 3D printer in action. #GoMakeThings

@dremeltools 3D打印机正在运行的视频。 #GoMakeThings

A video posted by Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) on


And here's a pencil holder that turned out great.


Just had a 4 hour 3D Print finish on the @dremel printer. #GoMakeThings

@dremel打印机刚刚进行了4个小时的3D打印。 #GoMakeThings

A photo posted by Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) on

Scott Hanselman(@shanselman)发表的照片

My 7 year old and I wanted to see how far we can push this printer so we are currently trying to print a Crossfire 2 Quadcopter. This is a complex print with over a dozen parts in tight tolerances that will be put under stress (assuming we get it to fly) so it seems like a reasonable test.

我7岁,我想看看我们可以将打印机推多远,所以我们目前正在尝试打印Crossfire 2 Quadcopter 。 这是一个复杂的印刷品,其中有十几个零件的紧密公差会承受压力(假设我们可以使它飞行),因此这似乎是一个合理的测试。

So far it's coming out nicely and it's huge. The Printrbot Simple Metal is a great printer with a 6"x6"x6" bed but this is where I really appreciate Dremel's 9"x5.9"x5.5" bed size. You can see the quadcopter's legs below. We're printing two in black so we can tell the copter's front from its back.

到目前为止,效果很好,而且规模很大。 Printrbot Simple Metal是配备6“ x6” x6“床的出色打印机,但这是我真正欣赏Dremel 9” x5.9“ x5.5”床尺寸的地方。 您可以在下面看到四轴飞行器的腿。 我们正在用黑色打印两个,以便我们可以从背面看直升机的正面。

In this pic you can see the size difference between the Printrbot and the Dremel. The Dremel is like a small microwave. It's enclosed (which is really nice) and maintains its inner temperature nicely during the print which may be why it hasn't needed the heated bed. At 220C and a very warm inner environment I have had no peeling or sticking issues.

在此图片中,您可以看到Printrbot和Dremel之间的尺寸差异。 德雷梅尔就像一个小微波炉。 它是封闭的(非常好),并且在打印过程中可以很好地保持内部温度,这也许就是为什么它不需要加热床的原因。 在220°C和非常温暖的内部环境下,我没有出现任何剥离或粘连的问题。

A Dremel 3D Printer printing a Quadcopter

The last quirk about the Dremel that was interesting was that you don't get direct access to it from any app and you can't send it gcode (raw instructions). Instead you use their Dremel all to import STLs and then export them to their g3drem format. This concerned me originally, but opening the g3drem file in notepad shows that it's simply gcode with a small thumbnail image prepended in front. This is a nice touch as the Dremel has a small color touchscreen that shows you what you're going to print.

关于Dremel的最后一个怪癖是,您没有从任何应用程序直接访问它,也无法向其发送gcode(原始指令)。 相反,您可以使用它们的Dremel all导入STL,然后将其导出为g3drem格式。 最初,这与我有关,但是在记事本中打开g3drem文件表明,它只是简单的gcode,前面带有一个小缩略图。 Dremel的彩色触摸屏很小,可以向您显示要打印的内容,因此触摸效果很好。

The standard workflow is simply:


  1. Design or download an STL however you like.

  2. Optional: If it needs supports, open in Meshmixer and add supports. Click Send to Printer.

    可选:如果需要支持,请在Meshmixer中打开并添加支持。 单击发送到打印机。
  3. Dremel 3D opens the exported (with supports) STL file. Click Build to save a g3drem to an SD card.

    Dremel 3D将打开导出的(带有支持的)STL文件。 单击生成以将g3drem保存到SD卡。
  4. Take the SD card to the Dremel, click Build on the touchscreen and print!


I continue to use both the Printrbot and the Dremel day to day. I've added/upgraded the Printrbot with a heated bed so I can print ABS plastic as well as PLA, but I've turned to the Dremel as my "daily driver" due to its rock solid reliability. I can definitely recommend the Dremel as a good beginner 3D printer for families, classrooms, or hobbyists. While it's not hackable, it's not meant to be. It Just Works and does exactly what it's advertised to do.

我每天继续使用Printrbot和Dremel。 我已经添加/升级​​了带加热床的Printrbot,以便可以打印ABS塑料和PLA,但是由于其坚如磐石的可靠性,我选择Dremel作为我的“日常驱动器”。 我绝对可以将Dremel推荐为适合家庭,教室或业余爱好者的入门3D打印机。 虽然它不是可入侵的,但并非意味着。 它可以正常工作,并且完全按照广告宣传进行。

I'll blog in the future as our quadcopter build continues!


3D scanning with #SproutByHP. @hp. Really insane.

使用#SproutByHP进行3D扫描。 @生命值。 真是疯了

A video posted by Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) on


相关链接 (Related Links)

Disclosure of Material Connection: HP sent me this Sprout and Printer in the hope that I would review it on my blog and because I've been talking actively about 3D Printing and Maker Culture. Regardless, I only talk enthusiastically about products or services I would use and think you would find useful. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

重大联系的披露:惠普向我发送了这本Sprout和Printer,希望我可以在自己的博客中进行评论,因为我一直在积极地谈论3D打印和制造商文化。 无论如何,我只是热情地谈论我将使用的产品或服务,并认为您会发现有用。 我根据联邦贸易委员会的16 CFR第255部分:“关于在广告中使用背书和证明书的指南”进行披露

Sponsor: Big thanks to my friends at Raygun for sponsoring the feed this week. Only 16% of people will try a failing app more than twice. Raygun offers real-time error and crash reporting for your web and mobile apps that you can set up in minutes. Find out more and get started for free here.

赞助商:非常感谢我在Raygun的朋友为本周的饲料赞助。 只有16%的人会尝试失败的应用程序两次以上。 Raygun可为您的Web和移动应用程序提供实时错误和崩溃报告,您可以在几分钟内完成设置。 在此处了解更多信息并免费上手

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/review-dremel-3d-printer-and-initial-impressions-of-the-hp-sprout