
We have all hurriedly sent an email, only to remember moments later that we forgot to attach the file we said we had attached to the email.  Forgotten Attachment Detector is a great, free add-in for Microsoft Outlook that can help you avoid this embarrassing scenario.

我们都匆忙发送了一封电子邮件,只是想起了片刻之后我们忘记附加我们说已附加到电子邮件中的文件。 “忘记了附件检测器”是Microsoft Outlook很好的免费外接程序,可以帮助您避免这种尴尬的情况。

Forgotten Attachment Detector is a small add-in for Outlook from Office Labs, a small division of the Office team that has created several nice add-ins for Office products.  Whenever you send an email contains terms such as attachment, attached, enclosed, and more but does not actually have a file attached, it will alert you before you send your email.  Then, you can go back and add the attachment you intended to before you actually send the email.

被遗忘的附件检测器是Office Labs的Outlook的一个小型插件,Office Labs是Office团队的一个小部门,为Office产品创建了多个不错的插件。 每当您发送一封包含附件,附件,附件等内容的电子邮件,但实际上没有附件时,它将在发送电子邮件之前提醒您。 然后,您可以返回并添加所需的附件,然后再实际发送电子邮件。

This add-in works on Outlook 2007 and 2010, including both the 32 and 64 bit versions.  In our test, we are using it on Outlook 2010 x64, but have used it in the past on Outlook 2007 too.

此加载项可在Outlook 2007和2010上运行,包括32位和64位版本。 在我们的测试中,我们在Outlook 2010 x64上使用了它,但过去在Outlook 2007中也使用了它。

Getting Started


Once you’ve downloaded Forgotten Attachment Detector (link below), go ahead and install it.  Make sure you exit Outlook before you install it.  You may uncheck the box if you do not wish to

下载“忘记了附件检测器”( 下面的链接 )后,请继续进行安装。 确保在安装前退出Outlook。 如果不想,可以取消选中该框


After it installs, you can open Outlook.  When you first run Outlook after installing Forgotten Attachment Detector, it ask you to verify that you want to install the add-in.  Simply click Install, and it will be ready to use.

安装后,您可以打开Outlook。 当您在安装“忘记了附件检测器”后首次运行Outlook时,它会要求您确认要安装该加载项。 只需单击安装,即可使用。

Now, when you go to send an email, it will scan your message for keywords.  If it decides you intended to attach a file but do not have one attached, it will display a popup rather than just sending the email.

现在,当您发送电子邮件时,它将扫描您的邮件中是否包含关键字。 如果它决定您要附加文件但没有附加文件,它将显示一个弹出窗口,而不仅仅是发送电子邮件。


You can click “Show Snippet” to see exactly what in your email triggered the prompt.  If you wish to return to your email to add the file, click No; otherwise, you can click Yes to send the email as is.

您可以单击“显示摘录”以准确查看电子邮件中触发了提示的内容。 如果您希望返回电子邮件以添加文件,请单击“否”。 否则,您可以单击“是”按原样发送电子邮件。




In Outlook 2010, you will see a new button for Forgotten Attachment Detector on the Add-ins tab of your ribbon.  In Outlook 2007, this button is simply added to your toolbar.

在Outlook 2010中,您将在功能区的“加载项”选项卡上看到“忘记了附件的检测器”的新按钮。 在Outlook 2007中,此按钮只是添加到工具栏中。


This button opens the Forgotten Attachment Detector settings panel.  Here you can add or remove keywords that trigger it to ask if you want to add an attachment.  FAD uses both phrases to identify when you intended to add an attachment, as well as keywords when they appear in context with another word.  You can add or remove entries from either of these.  FAD will also by default remind you whenever you send an email without a subject; you can unselect this box if you do not want this.  Finally, this dialog will show how many times you forgot to attach a file or add a subject to an email.

此按钮将打开“遗忘的附件检测器”设置面板。 在这里,您可以添加或删除触发它的关键字,以询问您是否要添加附件。 FAD使用这两个短语来标识您打算添加附件的时间,以及使用关键字在上下文中与另一个单词一起出现时的关键词。 您可以从任何一个中添加或删除条目。 默认情况下,无论何时您发送没有主题的电子邮件,FAD都会提醒您。 如果您不想这样做,则可以取消选择此框。 最后,此对话框将显示您忘记附加文件或在电子邮件中添加主题的次数。




This add-in has truly been a lifesaver for us many times.  You may not always need it, but when you’re hurriedly sending an email it can be a very appreciated reminder!

对于许多人来说,此外接程序确实是救生员。 您可能并不总是需要它,但是当您急忙发送电子邮件时,这可能是一个非常令人赞赏的提醒!



Forgotten Attachment Detector


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11629/never-forget-to-send-an-email-attachment-in-outlook/