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While taking part in a video conference using Zoom, sometimes you need to mute your microphone to cough, suppress background noises, or to simply be polite while other people are talking. Here’s how to do it.

在使用Zoom参加视频会议时,有时您需要使麦克风静音以咳嗽,抑制背景噪音或在其他人讲话时保持礼貌。 这是操作方法。

使用缩放工具栏使自己静音 (Mute Yourself Using the Zoom Toolbar)

To mute yourself during a Zoom meeting, you’ll need to bring up the toolbar. On a PC or Mac, position your mouse over the Zoom window and it will pop up. On an iPhone, iPad, or Android, tap the screen until you see the toolbar.

要在Zoom会议期间使自己静音,您需要调出工具栏。 在PC或Mac上,将鼠标置于“缩放”窗口上方,它将弹出。 在iPhone,iPad或Android上,点击屏幕,直到看到工具栏。

Locate the “Mute” button (which looks like a microphone) on the toolbar. On a Mac, PC, web client, or smartphone, the toolbar stretches across the bottom of the screen or window. On a tablet, the toolbar appears at the top of the screen. Click or tap on the “Mute” button.

在工具栏上找到“静音”按钮(看起来像麦克风)。 在Mac,PC,Web客户端或智能手机上,工具栏会延伸到屏幕或窗口的底部。 在平板电脑上,工具栏出现在屏幕顶部。 单击或点击“静音”按钮。

Click or tap Mute on the toolbar in Zoom

The Mute icon will change into a crossed-out microphone and the text will now say “Unmute.” Your microphone is now turned off and no one on the call can hear you.

“静音”图标将变成一个划掉的麦克风,文字现在显示为“取消静音”。 现在,您的麦克风已关闭,通话中没有人可以听到您的声音。

To turn your microphone back on, click or tap the “Unmute” button on the toolbar.


Click or tap Unmute on the toolbar in Zoom

After clicking “Unmute,” your microphone will be active again and everyone on the call will be able to hear you.


使用缩放键盘快捷键使自己静音 (Mute Yourself Using Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts)

It is also possible to mute yourself quickly on a PC or Mac using Zoom keyboard shortcuts. If you’re using a Windows 10 PC, press the Alt+A keys to toggle mute on and off. If you’re using a Mac, you can press Shift+Command+A to toggle mute on and off.

也可以使用缩放键盘快捷键在PC或Mac上快速使自己静音。 如果您使用的是Windows 10 PC,请按Alt + A键以打开或关闭静音。 如果您使用的是Mac,则可以按Shift + Command + A启用和禁用静音。

有关缩放静音的更多信息 (More About Zoom Muting)

If you’re hosting a Zoom meeting full of interruptions or distracting background noises, it is possible to mute everyone on the call at the same time using the “Mute All” button in the “Participants” list.


And, if you’re not hosting, but you’re struggling to hear the host over the sounds of all the other conference participants, you can use these keyboard shortcuts on PC or Mac to turn off sound from everyone except the host:


  • Toggle audio on/off for all except host (PC): Alt+M

    切换开/关主机(PC)以外的所有音频: Alt + M

  • Mute audio for all except host (Mac): Command+Ctrl+M

    静音主机以外的所有音频(Mac): Command + Ctrl + M

  • Unmute audio for all except host (Mac): Command+Ctrl+U

    为主机(Mac)以外的所有主机取消静音: Command + Ctrl + U

Happy Zooming!


