如何在Microsoft Edge中更改主页

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By default, Microsoft Edge opens with a custom “New Tab” page full of content. Luckily, it’s easy to open the browser with a custom home page instead. You can also set the page that appears when you click a “home” icon on the toolbar, which is disabled by default. Here’s how to do both.

默认情况下,Microsoft Edge打开时会显示一个自定义的“新选项卡”页面,其中包含所有内容。 幸运的是,改用自定义主页打开浏览器很容易。 您还可以设置单击工具栏上的“主页”图标时显示的页面,该图标默认情况下处于禁用状态。 这是两者的方法。

主页vs.启动页面vs.新标签页面 (Home Page vs. Startup Page vs. New Tab Page)

Like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge treats the concept of a “home page” somewhat differently from classic browsers of the past (and from modern browsers such as Firefox and Safari). When you set a home page in Edge, it only serves as a page that is available when you click a home icon on the toolbar, which is hidden by default. There is not currently an option to use this same home page setting as the default page that appears when you open a new window or tab.

像Google Chrome一样,Microsoft Edge对待“主页”的概念与过去的经典浏览器(以及诸如Firefox和Safari的现代浏览器)也有所不同。 在Edge中设置主页时,它仅用作单击工具栏上的主页图标(默认情况下是隐藏的)时可用的页面。 当前没有一个选项可以使用与打开新窗口或选项卡时出现的默认页面相同的主页设置。

Somewhat confusingly, you can also set a “startup page” that appears when you first open the Edge app, but this is a different setting than the home page mentioned above. Finally, Edge also includes a “New Tab” page that displays whenever you open a new tab, which includes content you can customize, but you cannot disable it completely or assign a custom page to appear when you open a new tab.

有点令人困惑的是,您还可以设置一个“启动页面”,该页面在您第一次打开Edge应用程序时出现,但这与上述主页不同。 最后,Edge还包括一个“新建选项卡”页面,该页面在您打开新选项卡时显示,其中包含您可以自定义的内容 ,但是您不能完全禁用它,也不能指定要在打开新选项卡时显示的自定义页面。

Below, we will cover setting the home page and startup page.


如何启用主页按钮并在Edge中设置主页 (How to Enable the Home Button and Set Your Home Page in Edge)

If you’d like to set a web page that you can quickly access by clicking a home icon in your toolbar, Edge makes that easy to set up.


First, open Edge and click the “ellipses” button (three horizontal dots) in the upper-right corner of the window. In the menu that appears, select “Settings.”

首先,打开“边缘”,然后单击窗口右上角的“椭圆”按钮(三个水平点)。 在出现的菜单中,选择“设置”。

Click Settings in Microsoft Edge

On the Settings screen, navigate to the “Appearance” section.


In Edge Settings, click "Appearance."

In the “Customize toolbar” section, locate the switch labeled “Show Home” and click it to turn it on. Just below that, click the “radio” button beside the empty text field. Type in (or paste) the address of the website that you would like to use as your home page, then click “Save.”

在“自定义工具栏”部分中,找到标记为“显示主页”的开关,然后单击将其打开。 在其正下方,单击空白文本字段旁边的“单选”按钮。 输入(或粘贴)您要用作主页的网站地址,然后单击“保存”。

In Edge Settings, click "Show home button," then enter a URL for your home page. Then click "Save."

After that, exit Settings, and you will see a home icon in your toolbar.


The Home Page icon in the Edge toolbar.

When you click it, Edge will load the home page website you just set.


如何在Edge中设置自定义启动页面 (How to Set a Custom Startup Page in Edge)

If you’d like to define which page first appears when you open the Edge app, you’ll have to change the Edge’s startup settings. Here’s how.

如果要定义打开Edge应用程序时首先显示哪个页面,则必须更改Edge的启动设置。 这是如何做。

First, open Edge. Click the “ellipses” button in the upper-right corner of the window, and select “Settings.” In Settings, navigate to the “On Startup” section.

首先,打开Edge。 点击窗口右上角的“省略号”按钮,然后选择“设置”。 在“设置”中,导航到“启动时”部分。

In Edge Settings, click "On startup."

In the “On Startup” settings, click the “radio” button beside “Open A Specific Page Or Pages,” then click the “Add A New Page” button.


In Edge, select "Open a specific page or pages" then click "Add a new page."

In the dialog that pops up, type or paste in the address of the website that you would like to appear when you open Edge. Then click “Add.”

在弹出的对话框中,键入或粘贴您要在打开Edge时显示的网站地址。 然后点击“添加”。

In Edge Settings, enter a website address, then click "Add."

After that, you will see the site you just entered listed in Settings. If you want, you can also add additional pages that will open every time you open the Edge app using the “Add A New Page” button.

之后,您将在“设置”中看到刚输入的网站。 如果需要,还可以使用“添加新页面”按钮添加每次打开Edge应用程序时将打开的其他页面。

A custom startup page added to Microsoft Edge.

When you’re done, close the Settings tab. The next time you open Edge, the custom page or pages you set will appear. Happy browsing!

完成后,关闭“设置”选项卡。 下次打开Edge时,将显示一个或多个自定义页面。 浏览愉快!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/684345/how-to-change-your-home-page-in-microsoft-edge/