

什么是软件? (What is Software?)

Software is referred to as a set of programs that are designed to perform a well-defined function. A program is a particular sequence of instructions written to solve a particular problem.

软件被称为一组旨在执行明确定义的功能的程序。 程序是为解决特定问题而编写的特定指令序列。

There are two categories of software,


  1. System Software

  2. Application Software

System Software and Application Software

Application and System Software


1)系统软件 (1) System Software)

A collection of programs that are designed to operate, control, and extend the processing capabilities of the computer itself, is known as system software.


  • The computer manufacturers prepare System Software. It includes the programs that are written in low-level languages that interact with the hardware at a very basic level.

    计算机制造商准备系统软件。 它包括用底层语言编写的程序,这些程序在非常基本的层次上与硬件交互。
  • System Software is a general-purpose software and it works as an interface between application programs (end users) and the computer hardware.

  • System Software manages the system resources and provides a path for running the application software.


For Instance, Operating System and Language Translators are a system software is the System Software. An Operating System (OS) is Software that acts as an interface between end-user and the hardware of the computer.

例如,操作系统和语言翻译器是系统软件,是系统软件。 操作系统(OS)是充当最终用户与计算机硬件之间的接口的软件。

It provides a specific graphical user interface (GUI) to control the computer.


These are some of the most features of system software as follows,


  • It is close to the system

  • It is faster and smaller in size

  • Difficult to design and also difficult to understand

  • Less interactive and difficult to manipulate

  • It is written in machine language


2)应用软件 (2) Application Software)

Application software is a special purpose software which is used by the user to perform a particular task.


  • Application software is designed to meet a particular requirement of a particular environment. All software applications written by the user are Application software.

    应用软件旨在满足特定环境的特定要求。 用户编写的所有软件应用程序均为应用程序软件。
  • This software we can install onto our Operating System. It includes a single program, just like Microsoft's notepad for writing and editing a simple text. under the various Operating Systems, these Applications software are written to run on OS.

    我们可以将该软件安装到操作系统上。 它包括一个程序,就像Microsoft的记事本一样,用于编写和编辑简单文本。 在各种操作系统下,这些应用程序软件被编写为在OS上运行。
  • If an application contains a collection of programs these are referred to as a software package. It works together to accomplish a task, such as a spreadsheet package.

    如果应用程序包含程序的集合,则将它们称为软件包。 它可以共同完成一项任务,例如电子表格程序包。
  • Other examples such as Payroll Software, Student Record Software, Inventory, Income Tax Software, Railways Reservation Software, Microsoft Office Suite Software, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc.

    其他示例包括薪资软件,学生记录软件,库存,所得税软件,铁路预订软件,Microsoft Office Suite软件,Microsoft Word,Microsoft Excel,Microsoft PowerPoint等。

These are some of the features of application software as follows,


  • It is close to the user

  • Easy to design and more interactive

  • It is generally written in high-level language

  • It requires more storage space as it is bigger in size


系统软件和应用程序软件之间的区别 (Difference between System Software and Application Software)

  1. System Software is designed to manage the resources of the system like memory management, process management, protection, and security, etc. and also gives the path for application software to run. On the other hand, Application Software is designed to accomplish the requirements of the user for performing particular tasks.

    系统软件旨在管理系统资源,例如内存管理,进程管理,保护和安全性等,还为应用程序软件运行提供了路径。 另一方面,应用程序软件旨在满足用户执行特定任务的要求。
  2. The System Software is written in a low-level language like assembly language or machine language. However, a high-level language is used to write Application Software. High-level languages such as Java, C++, .net, VB, etc.

    系统软件用汇编语言或机器语言之类的低级语言编写。 但是,使用高级语言编写应用程序软件。 高级语言,例如Java,C ++ 、. net,VB等。
  3. The System Software starts running as the system is powered on and run till the system is powered off. The Application Software starts when the user starts it and stops when the user stops it.

    系统软件会在系统打开电源时开始运行,并一直运行到系统关闭电源为止。 应用软件在用户启动时启动,在用户停止时停止。
  4. A system can only run with the System Software while the system always runs without the Application Software as they are only meant for a user.

  5. The System Software are Operating system, compiler, assembler, debugger, driver, etc while the examples of Application Software are VLC player, etc, Photoshop, etc.

  6. The System Software is general-purpose software while Application Software is counted in specific purpose software.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/operating-systems/system-software-vs-application-software.aspx
