


Scott Hanselman, Information Worker

信息工作者Scott Hanselman

目的 (Objective)

To find a position with a dynamic and progressive technology company that utilizes my leadership abilities and skills deleting email.


经验 (Experience)

Line Engineer - Gmail - Google


  • Designed and implemented a system wherein two gmail accounts with autoresponders replied to each other in a loop until one achieved sentience.

  • {I have|I've} been {reading|skimming|pretending to read} e-mails {5 years|10 years|decades|please make it stop}, and yours is definitely one of the {best|most interesting|most thoughtfully written}. {It's|It is} brightened my day and compelled me to {schedule a follow-up meeting|create a recurring meeting|create a high priority rule just for you}. {By all means|Please|I humbly beg you}, don't hesitate to e-mail me again, perhaps expanding your to a wider list?

    {我已经|我已经} {阅读|略读|假装阅读}电子邮件{5年| 10年|数十年|请停止}},您的电子邮件无疑是{最有趣|最有趣|最有趣的电子邮件之一精心撰写}。 {It |是}这让我感到高兴,并迫使我{安排一次后续会议|创建一个定期会议|为您创建一个高优先级规则}。 {通过一切手段|请|我谦卑地求你},请不要犹豫再次给我发送电子邮件,也许将您的电子邮件扩展到更广泛的列表?

Product Manager - Microsoft Outlook - Microsoft

产品经理-Microsoft Outlook-Microsoft

  • Formulated models to determine team synergies and core competencies based entirely on depth of e-mail threads. This information fed directly into stack ranking calculations at a large unnamed software corporation in the Pacific Northwest

    制定模型以完全基于电子邮件线程的深度来确定团队协同作用和核心能力。 这些信息直接输入到西北太平洋一家大型未命名软件公司的堆栈排名计算中
  • Investigated "Predictive Email Deletion" in which a sender's e-mail would be remotely deleted before it was sent.


Junior Project Manager - Yahoo! Mail - Yahoo

初级项目经理-Yahoo! 雅虎邮件

  • Worked on the team that pioneered the technique of sending another email after an unsubscribe request.


  • Spearheaded a study group to determine if remote workers could be contacted via e-mail. Was eventually fired as the last remote worker.

    牵头一个研究小组,以确定是否可以通过电子邮件与远程工作者联系。 最终被解雇为最后一名远程工作者。

教育 (Education)

Masters Degree in Computer Science


Thesis work on "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Email Deletion Engine." I set out to prove that one could dramatically increase throughput and productivity through the use of Ctrl-A and Delete in large scale information systems. I successfully proved that information worker productivity scales linearly with e-mail deletion, and as such those with the most email should be in charge.

论文的主题是“大型电子邮件删除引擎的剖析我着手证明,通过在大型信息系统中使用Ctrl-A和Delete,可以极大地提高吞吐量和生产率。 我成功地证明了信息工作者的生产力与电子邮件删除呈线性比例关系,因此,那些电子邮件最多的人应该负责。

Bachelors of Science in Software Engineering and Product Management


Explored the psychological efforts on team dynamics of having a project manager with "1000+" in every folder in Microsoft Outlook. Teams of up to 20 people experienced disintegration of cultural barriers and constructive synergies once the first direct manager lost control of their inbox. Cannibalism quickly followed.

探索了在团队动态方面进行的心理努力,即在Microsoft Outlook的每个文件夹中都具有“ 1000+”的项目经理。 第一位直接经理失去对收件箱的控制权后,多达20人的团队会经历文化障碍和建设性协同的瓦解。 自相残杀很快。

志愿服务 (Volunteerism)

  • Quora For Kids - Board member of non-profit dedicated to teaching kids how to unsubscribe from Quora emails.

    Quora For Kids-非营利组织的董事会成员,致力于教孩子如何退订Quora电子邮件。

  • Community Committee for Email Compliance - Outreach 501c3 with the mission to increase visibility of the laws around having an email signature longer than the email itself.


    • Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this resume and may be subject to legal privilege. Access to this resume by anyone other than the intended is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not use, copy, distribute or deliver to anyone this resume (or any part of its contents ) or take any action in reliance on it. In such case, you should destroy this message, and notify us immediately. If you have received this resume in error, please notify us immediately by postcard, fax, telegram, courier, or telephone and delete the resume from any computer. If you or your employer does not consent to resumes of this kind, please notify us immediately. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this resume. As our company cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this resume or attachments we recommend that you subject these to your virus checking procedures prior to use. The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this CV are not given or endorsed by the company unless otherwise indicated by an authorized representative independent of this message.

      特权/机密信息可能包含在此简历中,并可能具有法律特权。 未经授权的任何人都无法访问此简历。 如果您不是预定的收件人(或负责将邮件发送给该人),则您不得使用,复制,分发或发送给任何人此简历(或其任何部分内容),也不得依赖该简历采取任何措施。 在这种情况下,您应该销毁此消息,并立即通知我们。 如果您收到的这份简历有误,请立即通过明信片,传真,电报,快递或电话通知我们,并从任何计算机上删除该简历。 如果您或您的雇主不同意此类简历,请立即通知我们。 已采取所有合理的预防措施,以确保本简历中没有病毒。 由于本公司对因使用此简历或附件而引起的任何损失或损害不承担任何责任,因此我们建议您在使用前对它们进行病毒检查程序。 除非有独立于此讯息的授权代表另行指出,否则本公司不会提供或认可本简历中表达的观点,观点,结论和其他信息。

    Community Committee for Email Compliance - Outreach 501c3 with the mission to increase visibility of the laws around having an email signature longer than the email itself.


参考文献 (References)

Please send email for references.


Going to SXSW? Come see me at 5pm on March 10th talk about email, productivity, and how to truly stay sane.

要去SXSW吗? 请在3月10日下午5点见我,讨论电子邮件,生产力以及如何真正保持理智。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-new-information-worker-resume-or-cv-template
