

Many tutorials exist about this topic but they make things overly complicated by assuming one has to contribute code to a project.


What if they just need to edit a file, maybe the project README to fix a typo?


You don't need to know how to code or how to use Git to do that. But once you start doing Pull Requests, you can do many more things and collaborate on projects with other people! And maybe this will push you to also contribute code later on.

您不需要知道如何编码或如何使用Git来做到这一点。 但是,一旦开始执行“拉取请求”,您就可以做更多的事情,并与其他人协作进行项目! 也许这将促使您以后也贡献代码。

I assume you already have a (free) GitHub account. If you don't, then go to and get one.

我假设您已经有一个(免费的)GitHub帐户。 如果不这样做,请访问github.com并获取一个。

Let me show you the process.


I went to this page and I found a possible typo. This line is missing a dot at the end.

我转到此页面 ,发现了可能的错字。 这条线的末尾缺少一个点。


I'm not a stickler for grammar, this is just for the sake of finding an example ?


I know that site is hosted on GitHub, and that exact article is hosted here:

我知道该网站托管在GitHub上,并且确切的文章托管在这里: https : //


I open the file directly on GitHub and I press the pencil icon in the file toolbar. Hovering it says "Fork this project and edit the file".

我直接在GitHub上打开index.md文件 ,然后按文件工具栏中的铅笔图标。 将鼠标悬停在它上面,显示“分叉此项目并编辑文件”。


This brings up an editor view with this information:


You’re editing a file in a project you don’t have write access to. Submitting a change to this file will write it to a new branch in your fork flaviocopes/, so you can send a pull request.

您正在编辑一个没有写权限的项目中的文件。 提交对此文件的更改会将其写入到分支flaviocopes / web.dev中的新分支中,因此您可以发送拉取请求。


I can go and add that dot, then at the form at the bottom I explain the changes I made:



I pressed the "Propose File Change" button and a compare view showed up.



There I can review the changes I made, to make sure all is fine, and finally I can click the "Create Pull Request" button. Currently the changes have been made to your fork of the project, which was made automatically by GitHub when you clicked the pencil icon.

在这里,我可以查看所做的更改,以确保一切都很好,最后,我可以单击“创建请求请求”按钮。 当前,已对项目的分支进行了更改,这是由GitHub在单击铅笔图标时自动进行的。


At the top of this view you can see that I'm about to submit a PR to the GoogleChrome/ project from my form flaviocopes/, from my branch patch-2 to their master branch.

在此视图的顶部,您可以看到我即将从flaviocopes/ (从我的分支patch-2到其master分支)向GoogleChrome/web.dev项目提交PR。

Pressing the "Create Pull Request" button shows another form where I can write a detailed description for the Pull Request.


Pull Requests can contain many different changes, so in theory you could have lots of files edited in the same PR, this is why you can add a summary.


This repository has a template for the PR text, to help the team manage it. Our PR is very simple so I remove the template and just paste the content from the commit message from before.

该存储库具有用于PR文本的模板,以帮助团队进行管理。 我们的PR非常简单,因此我删除了模板,仅粘贴了之前提交消息中的内容。

Notice the hint on the right? They tell me the project has a file, which explains how to contribute and the guidelines. Pretty cool.

注意右边的提示吗? 他们告诉我该项目有一个CONTRIBUTING.md文件,该文件说明了如何进行贡献和指导原则。 很酷


Seems we need to sign a CLA (Contributor License Agreement) to complete our PR. I already signed a Google CLA in the past so this step is clear for me, but you might need to fix that. Most projects don't really need it.

似乎我们需要签署CLA(贡献者许可协议)才能完成PR。 我过去已经签署了Google CLA,因此这一步骤对我来说很清楚,但是您可能需要解决此问题。 大多数项目并不真正需要它。

I clicked "Create pull request" and the PR is now sent!



Now it's up to the project maintainers to step in and accept it, you just need to wait for an email telling you that it's been merged, or any comments other people had.


[... a couple hours passed by...]


I got an email back, the PR was rejected because that dot was actually in the correct place! (I didn't know that).

我收到了一封电子邮件,公关被拒绝了,因为那个点实际上在正确的位置! (我不知道)。

But anyway here's a thing I wanted to add: don't be angry or upset if a PR you submit is not accepted. The maintainers of the project work on it for months or years and they know better than you about what's better for it.

但是无论如何,这是我想补充的一点:如果您提交的PR不被接受,请不要生气或沮丧。 项目的维护者需要花费数月或数年的时间,他们比您更了解什么对它更好。

Plus, especially with code, views might be very very different and a PR you think is great might not be welcome.


It's also best to ask before working on a substantial PR, to see if it's something the project actually needs.


Bug fixes are easy starts.


I'm Flavio. I write tutorials for developers at

我是弗拉维奥 我在flaviocopes.com上为开发人员编写了教程

