android 小部件_如何在Android的主屏幕上为联系人添加小部件

android 小部件

android 小部件


Most of us have contacts that we call or text often and scrolling or searching through your long list of contacts can take more time than you may have. You can solve this by adding a speed dial shortcut to your Home screen.

我们大多数人都有我们经常打电话或发短信的联系人,滚动或搜索一长串联系人可能比您花费更多时间。 您可以通过在主屏幕上添加快速拨号快捷方式来解决此问题。

We will show you how to do this on a Google device and on a Samsung device.


Google设备 (Google Devices)

For this example, we used a Nexus 7 tablet. Touch the “All Apps” icon on the Home screen.

在此示例中,我们使用了Nexus 7平板电脑。 触摸主屏幕上的“所有应用”图标。


The “Apps” tab displays. Touch the “Widgets” tab.

显示“应用程序”选项卡。 触摸“窗口小部件”标签。


Swipe up to move down the list of widgets until you find the “Contact” widget. Touch and hold the widget and drag it to the desired location on the Home screen.

向上滑动可将小部件列表向下移动,直到找到“联系人”小部件。 触摸并按住该小部件,然后将其拖动到主屏幕上的所需位置。

NOTE: If this was a phone, there would be more than one type of “Contact” widget available. On a phone, you can add a “Contact” widget to directly call someone or send a text message, as you will see when we show you how to add a “Contact” widget to the Home screen on a Samsung phone.

注意:如果这是一部电话,将有不止一种类型的“联系”小部件可用。 在电话上,您可以添加“联系人”小部件以直接呼叫某人或发送短信,正如我们向您展示如何在三星手机的主屏幕上添加“联系人”小部件时所看到的。


The “Choose a contact shortcut” screen displays. Find the contact you want to add to the Home screen and touch it.

显示“选择联系人快捷方式”屏幕。 找到要添加到主屏幕的联系人,然后触摸它。


The contact is added to the Home screen. Clicking the new widget directly opens that contact in the address book.

联系人已添加到主屏幕。 单击新的窗口小部件将直接在通讯录中打开该联系人。


三星设备 (Samsung Devices)

For this example, we used a Galaxy Note 4 phone. Touch and hold on any empty space on the Home screen.

在此示例中,我们使用了Galaxy Note 4手机。 触摸并按住主屏幕上的任何空白区域。


The Home screen is shrunk and three icons display on the bottom of the screen. Touch the “Widgets” icon.

主屏幕缩小,三个图标显示在屏幕底部。 触摸“小部件”图标。


Swipe up to scroll down through the list of widgets until you find the “Contacts” widgets. There are three widgets available for contacts. The first one allows you to quickly open the contact in your address book. The second widget with the small phone icon on it allows you to call a contact with one touch on the widget. The widget with the small envelope allows you to open the default messaging app directly with that contact active. For this example, we’ll add a “Direct Message” widget to the Home screen so touch and hold the widget icon and drag it to the Home screen.

向上滑动可在小部件列表中向下滚动,直到找到“联系人”小部件。 有三个可用于联系人的小部件。 第一个允许您快速打开通讯录中的联系人。 第二个带有小电话图标的小部件使您可以一键式呼叫联系人。 带有小信封的小部件可让您在该联系人处于活动状态时直接打开默认消息传递应用程序。 对于此示例,我们将“直接消息”窗口小部件添加到主屏幕,因此触摸并按住该窗口小部件图标并将其拖动到主屏幕。


Search for the contact you want to add to the Home screen and touch it.



The contact widget is added to the Home screen.



Now you can quickly call or text someone with one tap. There are also other ways you can customize your Android Home screen.

现在,您可以一键快速致电或发短信给某人。 您还可以通过其他方式自定义Android主屏幕


android 小部件