如何自定义Windows 10开始菜单

It's been a few months, and pretty much everyone in my family and neighborhood has slowly upgraded to Windows 10. Some have upgraded from Windows 7 and others from Windows 8. For the most part, from a SAF (Spouse Acceptance Factor) it's been a non-issue, which is amazing, frankly.

已经过去了几个月,我的家人和社区中的几乎每个人都已缓慢升级到Windows10。一些人已从Windows 7升级,而其他人已从Windows 8升级。在大多数情况下,从SAF(配偶接受因子)一直是坦率地说,这不是令人惊奇的问题。

I have been doing a few videos on Windows 10 that you can find at http://hanselman.com/windows10. I'd encourage you to share them with your friend and family or any one who's interested in being more effective with Windows! If you've still got family who are using Windows 8, my tutorials are at http://hanselman.com/windows8 but, hey, it's time to upgrade them to Windows 10.

我一直在Windows 10上做一些视频,您可以在http://hanselman.com/windows10上找到它们。 我鼓励您与您的朋友和家人或对使用Windows更有效的任何人分享它们! 如果仍然有家人在使用Windows 8,我的教程位于http://hanselman.com/windows8,但是,现在是时候将它们升级到Windows 10了。

Windows 10 has much higher SAF than Windows 8.

Windows 10的SAF比Windows 8高得多。

The first thing I recommend that everyone do once they've installed Windows 10 is to spend a few minutes customize the default experience. Out of the box you'll get a Start Menu that looks something (basically) like this.

我建议所有人在安装Windows 10之后要做的第一件事是花几分钟时间自定义默认体验。 开箱即用,您将获得一个开始菜单,看起来(基本上)是这样的。

The default Windows 10 Start Menu

This is "fine" but it's nice to customize things and make them your own.


First, you can make the Start menu wider by grabbing the right side of the menu and dragging. Grab the top and do the same thing, and make it the height and width that makes you happy. I like a 2/3s of the screen style "not a start screen but still a big menu" look, myself.

首先,您可以通过抓住菜单的右侧并拖动来使“开始”菜单变宽。 抓住顶部并做同样的事情,使其高度和宽度使您感到快乐。 我自己喜欢屏幕样式的2 / 3s,“不是开始屏幕,但还是一个大菜单”。

Expanding the Windows 10 Start Menu

瓷砖 (Tiles)

Pin a bunch of apps, but not just any app. I prefer apps that I use a lot, but also apps that have a pleasant Live Tile. You can right click on any app and set their tile size. Desktop Apps can be small or medium, and Windows 10 Store Apps can be small, medium, wide, or large. I like to mix it up, but that's what's nice about the Start menu, you can make it your own.

固定一堆应用程序,而不仅仅是任何应用程序。 我更喜欢经常使用的应用程序,但更喜欢动态贴图的应用程序。 您可以右键单击任何应用程序并设置其图块大小。 桌面应用程序可以是小型或中型,而Windows 10 Store Apps可以是小型,中型,大型或大型。 我喜欢将其混合在一起,但这对“开始”菜单非常有用,您可以自己制作。

In one of my YouTube videos a person asked "how can I make these horrible live tiles ago away." Well, unpin them all. I think you're missing out, Random Internet Commenter. Another solution might be to just turn off Live Tiles. Often it's the movement folks find distracting, not the tiles themselves.

在我的一个YouTube视频中,一个人问道:“我如何才能将这些可怕的实时瓷砖搬走。” 好吧,把它们全部钉住。 我认为您不见了,《随机互联网评论家》。 另一个解决方案可能是仅关闭“ Live Tiles”。 通常是人们分散注意力的运动,而不是瓷砖本身。

颜色 (Color)

Go to the start menu and type "Color." When you go into the Settings app and into Personalization | Color, you can change a bunch of stuff. I like to have the Start Menu automatically pick a color from my wallpaper, then I change my wallpaper every 30 min (more on this soon). When my wallpaper changes, my accent color changes.

转到开始菜单,然后键入“颜色”。 当您进入“设置”应用并进入“个性化” | 颜色,您可以更改一堆东西。 我想让“开始”菜单自动从我的墙纸中选择一种颜色,然后每30分钟更换一次墙纸(稍后会详细介绍)。 当我的墙纸改变时,我的口音颜色也会改变。

主题 (Themes)

The Themes Control Panel is one of the last places in Windows 10 that hasn't been updated with a new Settings page. That's a bummer because it's one of my favorite features. I hope it lives on. Themes can be downloaded by just searching for "Windows themes" or "Windows 8 themes." I like the "Best of Bing" themes that include wallpaper from popular Bing backgrounds. These themes are really RSS feeds that bring down fantastic free wallpapers.

主题控制面板是Windows 10中尚未使用新的“设置”页面更新的最后位置之一。 那真是令人讨厌,因为它是我最喜欢的功能之一。 我希望它继续存在。 只需搜索“ Windows主题”或“ Windows 8主题”即可下载主题。 我喜欢“ Bing of Bing”主题,其中包括来自Bing流行背景的墙纸。 这些主题实际上是RSS提要,可带来出色的免费壁纸。

If you combine themes with the "Automatically pick an accent color from my background" feature, you'll get a nice dynamic experience in Windows where your colors and wallpaper change as often as you'd like. I mix it up every 30 min.

如果您将主题与“自动从我的背景中选择一种强调颜色”功能结合使用,您将在Windows中获得不错的动态体验,在Windows中您可以随意更改颜色和墙纸。 我每30分钟混合一次。


更多资料夹 (More Folders)

Another great setting that doesn't get used enough is "choose which folders appear in start." Go ahead and click the Start menu and type "choose which" to get there quickly. Remember also that your Settings menu is full searchable.

另一个未得到充分使用的出色设置是“选择开始时显示哪些文件夹”。 继续并单击“开始”菜单,然后键入“选择哪个”以快速到达那里。 还要记住,“设置”菜单是完全可搜索的。

Your default Start Menu will have something like this at the bottom:


The Default Start menu in Windows 10 has few shortcuts

But once you "choose which folders appear in start" you can have useful shortcuts like these. This is a huge timesaver. Hit Start, then click and you're right in your Downloads folder.

但是,一旦“选择哪些文件夹显示在开始位置”,您便可以使用诸如此类的有用快捷键。 这是一个巨大的节省时间。 点击“开始”,然后单击,然后您就在“下载”文件夹中。


调整任务栏 (Adjust the Taskbar)

By default Cortana shows up as a text box at the bottom in your Taskbar. But you can change Cortana into a single button and regain more space on your Taskbar. It's up to you.

默认情况下,Cortana在任务栏底部显示为文本框。 但是您可以将Cortana更改为单个按钮,并在任务栏上重新获得更多空间。 由你决定。

Right click in the Cortana text box and click Cortana. You can select Hidden, Show Cortana Icon, or Show Text Box.

在Cortana文本框中单击鼠标右键,然后单击Cortana。 您可以选择隐藏,显示Cortana图标或显示文本框。

Making Cortana smaller and getting more space in the taskbar

You can also remove the Task View button if you want as well.


游戏蒸汽砖 (Steam Tile for Games)

I did a video on how amazing it is to stream a game from your Xbox One to your laptop. It really is. However, I also use Steam and I have a pretty large collection of Steam games. There's a GREAT application for Windows 8/10 called Steam Tile. If you use Steam, go get this application NOW. It's fantastic. It connects to your Steam account and gets your connection. Then it takes the art for each game and lets you Pin that game to your Start Menu.

我制作了一段视频,讲述了将游戏从Xbox One流式传输到笔记本电脑的惊人之处。 真的是但是,我也使用Steam,并且有很多Steam游戏。 Windows 8/10有一个名为Steam Tile的GREAT应用程序。 如果您使用Steam,请立即获取此应用程序。 这是梦幻般的。 它连接到您的Steam帐户并获得连接。 然后,将每种游戏的美感都包含在内,并让您将该游戏固定到“开始”菜单。

Steam Tile makes for a VERY attractive Start Menu. The games launch into Steam, chained from Steam Tile. Steam Tile is an app that arguably fixes Steam by adding these awesome configurable and croppable live tiles.

Steam Tile提供了非常吸引人的“开始”菜单。 游戏从Steam Tile链接到Steam中。 Steam Tile是一款可以通过添加这些令人敬畏的可配置且可裁剪的动态图块修复Steam的应用程序。

Steam Tile is amazing

What have you done to customize your Start Menu in Windows 10? Sound off in the comments.

在Windows 10中自定义“开始”菜单时做了哪些工作? 在评论中听起来不错。

相关链接 (Related Links)

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赞助商:非常感谢Atalasoft的人们本周赞助了feed! 如果您的项目需要图像查看,格式自由,扫描或其他以文档为中心的工作流程,那么Atalasoft的文档成像专家可以为您提供帮助。 在出色的人力支持下,评估他们的开发人员工具30天

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/how-to-customize-the-windows-10-start-menu