Windows 10的PowerToys获得启动器和键盘重新映射器

The official Microsoft PowerToys logo.

We love Microsoft’s PowerToys, a free, and open-source collection of useful utilities for Windows 10. With the release of PowerToys 0.18 today, Microsoft is adding a “PowerToys Run” application launcher and a keyboard shortcut manager.

我们喜欢Microsoft的PowerToys ,它是Windows 10的免费开放源代码实用工具集。 在今天发布的PowerToys 0.18中,Microsoft添加了“ PowerToys Run”应用程序启动器和键盘快捷键管理器。

PowerToys Run is a classic keyboard-based application launcher—it can switch to running applications, too. It’s a lot like Spotlight on a Mac, and it looks like a more modern replacement for the Win+R keyboard shortcut.

PowerToys Run是一个经典的基于键盘的应用程序启动器-它也可以切换到正在运行的应用程序。 这很像Mac上的Spotlight ,并且看起来像是Win + R键盘快捷键的更现代的替代品。

Unlike the standard search feature in Windows 10’s Start menu, it’s all about launching apps and files—not searching the web with Bing. And, unlike the standard Run dialog, it has built-in search features so you can search for an application by name.

与Windows 10的“开始”菜单中的标准搜索功能不同,它全部是关于启动应用程序和文件的,而不是使用Bing搜索网络。 而且,与标准的“运行”对话框不同,它具有内置的搜索功能,因此您可以按名称搜索应用程序。

PowerToys Run will also feature customizable plug-ins so you can add features like a calculator or dictionary. Microsoft explains the details in this Launcher design document.

PowerToys Run还具有可定制的插件,因此您可以添加计算器或字典等功能。 Microsoft在此Launcher设计文档中解释了详细信息。

A mock-up of PowerToys Run for launching apps.
Jessica Yuwono/Microsoft 杰西卡(Jessica Yuwono)/微软

PowerToys will also gain a keyboard key remapper named “Keyboard Shortcut Manager” for remapping individual keys and multi-key shortcuts. It’ll be more powerful than SharpKeys and more user-friendly than AutoHotkey for this task.

PowerToys还将获得一个名为“ Keyboard Shortcut Manager”的键盘键重新映射器,用于重新映射单个键和多键快捷键。 它比SharpKeys强大,并且比AutoHotkey更加用户友好。

Like SharpKeys, which remaps keys via the Windows Registry, the Keyboard Shortcut Manager will let you remap a single key to another single key. For example, you could make Caps Lock function as Shift or something else.

SharpKeys一样,它通过Windows注册表重新映射键,键盘快捷方式管理器将让您将单个键重新映射到另一个单个键。 例如,您可以将Caps Lock用作Shift或其他功能

Like with AutoHotkey, you’ll also be able to edit built-in Windows keyboard shortcuts. Do you want to make Windows lock the screen instead of open the Game Bar when you press Windows+G? You can do that from this interface, too.

AutoHotkey一样,您还可以编辑内置的Windows键盘快捷键。 是否要让Windows锁定屏幕而不是在按Windows + G时打开游戏栏? 您也可以从此界面执行此操作。

An early version of Keyboard Manager settings in PowerToys.
Microsoft 微软

These new features were announced at Build 2020, but Microsoft will keep adding more useful tools to PowerToys this summer. A “complete” release of PowerToys 1.0 is expected for September 2020. We’re excited to see everything Microsoft adds in the future.

这些新功能已在Build 2020上宣布,但微软将在今年夏天继续向PowerToys添加更多有用的工具。 PowerToys 1.0的“完整”版本预计于2020年9月发布。我们很高兴看到Microsoft将来增加的所有功能。
