将文件夹添加到Windows 7 Media Center中的影片库

Do you have a collection of movie files on your computer? Perhaps you have an external hard drive or two loaded up with AVI or MPEG video files? Well, today we’ll show you how to add those files to the Movie Library so you can watch them in Windows Media Center.

您的计算机上有电影文件集吗? 也许您有一个外部硬盘驱动器或两个装有AVI或MPEG视频文件的硬盘? 好了,今天我们将向您展示如何将这些文件添加到电影库中,以便您可以在Windows Media Center中观看它们。

You can add any number of folders to your Media Center Libraries. Even if you have videos or movies stored in a variety of locations, including other Windows 7 computers on your network, they can be added to your Media Center Movie Library.

您可以将任意数量的文件夹添加到Media Center库中。 即使您将视频或电影存储在各种位置,包括网络上的其他Windows 7计算机,也可以将它们添加到Media Center电影库中。

支持的视频文件 (Supported Video Files)

Windows Media Center supports the viewing of the following file formats by default.

Windows Media Center默认情况下支持查看以下文件格式。

Video File Formats File Extensions
AVI files .avi
MPEG-4 .mp4, .m4v, .mov,
MPEG-2 .mpeg, .mpg, .m1v, .mp2, .mpv2, .mpe, .mod, .vob
Windows Media .wmv, .wm, .asf
Windows Recorded TV .wtv, .dvr-ms
Apple QuickTime .mov, .qt
AVCHD files .m2ts, .m2t
MPEG-1 .m1v
视频文件格式 文件扩展名
AVI文件 .avi
MPEG-4 .mp4,.m4v,.mov,
MPEG-2 .mpeg,.mpg,.m1v,.mp2,.mpv2,.mpe,.mod,.vob
Windows媒体 .wmv,.wm,.asf
Windows录制的电视 .wtv,.dvr-ms
苹果QuickTime .mov,.qt
AVCHD文件 .m2ts,.m2t
MPEG-1 .m1v

将文件夹添加到库 (Adding Folders to the Library)

Open WMC and click on Tasks \ Settings

打开WMC并单击Tasks \ Settings


Click on Media Libraries



Select Movies and click “Next.”



Select Add Folders to the Library and click “Next.”

选择“将文件夹添加到库” ,然后单击“下一步”。


Now you’ll need to select the folder location of your movie files. Choose “On this computer” if you are adding a folder from a local hard drive, a folder on mapped network drive, or a folder from USB attached hard drives.

现在,您需要选择影片文件的文件夹位置。 如果要从本地硬盘驱动器添加文件夹,映射的网络驱动器上的文件夹或USB连接的硬盘驱动器中的文件夹,请选择“在此计算机上”。

You can also choose to add folders from other Windows 7 computers on your network by selecting “On another computer.”

您还可以通过选择“在另一台计算机上”来选择从网络上其他Windows 7计算机添加文件夹。

Note: You’ll need to setup media streaming before you’ll be able to view video from another Windows 7 computer. You can find a link to our article on how to setup streaming media below.

注意:您需要先设置媒体流,然后才能从另一台Windows 7计算机上观看视频。 您可以在下面找到有关如何设置流媒体的文章的链接。


Browse the file directory for the folders of your choice. Click on the the plus (+) symbol to view sub-folders. You won’t be able to “see” the video files themselves, only the folders, so you’ll need to know where your videos are located ahead of time. Click to the check box to the left to select each folder.

浏览文件目录以找到您选择的文件夹。 单击加号(+)来查看子文件夹。 您将无法“查看”视频文件本身,而只能“查看”文件夹,因此您需要提前知道视频的位置。 单击左侧的复选框以选择每个文件夹。

Click “Next” when you’re finished.



Media Center will confirm your changes. Only the first five media directories are shown on the screen. Scroll to see any additional folders by clicking the up or down arrows. If you want to add more folders, click “No, I want to make more changes” and repeat the process to add your additional folders.

Media Center将确认您的更改。 屏幕上仅显示前五个媒体目录。 通过单击向上或向下箭头滚动查看其他文件夹。 如果要添加更多文件夹,请单击“否,我要进行更多更改”,然后重复该过程以添加其他文件夹。

When you are done, select “Yes, use these locations” and then click “Finish.”



Your video files should now appear in your Movie Library. Depending on the amount of files you are adding, it may take a few minutes for Media Center to add and display all of them.

您的视频文件现在应该出现在电影库中。 根据要添加的文件数量,Media Center可能需要几分钟才能添加并显示所有文件。


Then simply browse for any of your selections and click to play them.



Now you are setup to enjoy your entire movie collection from directly in Windows Media Center. Check out our previous tutorial if you need help setting up streaming media from other Windows 7 computers.

现在,您可以直接在Windows Media Center中设置欣赏整个电影集。 如果需要其他Windows 7计算机上的流媒体设置帮助,请查看我们以前的教程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11214/add-folders-to-the-movie-library-in-windows-7-media-center/