ubuntu silverlight安装

  • To get Pipelight working we’re going to need to install two different PPAs. To enable these PPAs, we need to enter some terminal commands. Search for ‘terminal’ in the Unity dash and open it. Once the terminal window has opened, enter the commands below.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mqchael/pipelight

  • Once both of the PPAs have been enabled, you’ll need to update your software sources. Do this by entering the command below in your terminal.

sudo apt-get updatewindows

  • After software sources have been updated, we can finally install the plugin to your system. Enter the command below into your terminal to install Pipelight.

sudo apt-get install pipelight浏览器



替换~/.wine-pipelight/ 文件夹http://download.csdn.net/detail/wangqiu929458379/6887963网站


替换~/.wine-pipelight/ 用silverlight_for_ubuntu.tar.gz解压出来的文件夹.wine-pipelight
tar -zxvf silverlight_for_ubuntu.tar.gz 是隐藏文件夹要用ll -a 才能看到spa



