keil_提示出错 cannot load flash programming algorithm !

用STM32开发板调试例程时(用的是JLINK),提示出错 cannot load flash programming algorithm !this

遇到这种问题通常都是,Programming algorithm没有添加,或者添加错误,spa


首先确认,下载器是stlink仍是jlink,而后根据步骤1,2,3,4 选择合适的algorithm 就能够。htm



The programming algorithm depends on the device. For example, when you are using the MCB2100 board with the Philips LPC2129 device, you need to select the algorithm as described below:ci

  1. Open the dialog Project — Options — Utilities.
  2. Select ULINK ARM Debugger and click Settings to open the Flash Download Setup dialog.
  3. In the Flash Download Setup dialog use the button Add and select the programming algorithm LPC2000 256KB Flash.
  4. Specify under RAM for Algorihtm Start: 0x40000000 and Size: 0x0800 since this is the valid address range for the RAM.

It is important that you setup the RAM for Algorithm to an available on-chip RAM space. The area shown above is correct for the Philips LPC2000 devices but it may be different for other devices.开发


可是本身在Project->Option->中已经添加了programming algorithmget

仍是报错, 试着下降下载的时钟频率,操做以下

2.将Max JTAG clock 下降 便可。flash
