mac 照片应用 重复照片_如何将Mac的照片库备份到外部驱动器

mac 照片应用 重复照片

mac 照片应用 重复照片

Photos are some of the most important files people want to keep safe. Storing them in the cloud is nice, but you might also want the peace of mind of having your pictures stored locally. Luckily, it’s easy enough to copy your Mac’s Photos library to an external drive.

照片是人们想要保护的最重要的文件。 将它们存储在云中很好,但是您可能还需要放心将图片存储在本地。 幸运的是,将Mac的照片库复制到外部驱动器很容易。

This guide assumes you’re using the actual “Photos” app on your Mac, the default if you’ve used iCloud Photo Stream or imported from your iPhone. If you just have your photos in a folder on your Mac, all you need to do is plug your external drive in and move them over. If you’re using another app that maintains a library, you’ll have to configure things within that app.

本指南假定您在Mac上使用的是实际的“照片”应用程序,如果您使用过iCloud Photo Stream或从iPhone导入,则为默认设置。 如果您只是将照片放在Mac上的文件夹中,那么您所要做的就是插入外部驱动器并将其移到上方。 如果您使用的是另一个维护库的应用程序,则必须在该应用程序中进行配置。

移动照片库 (Moving Your Photos Library)

To understand how this works, it’s important to know how the Photos app catalogs files. It’s actually simple; there’s a single file that contains your entire library. If you want to back this up, you plug in your external hard drive and drag the whole file over to that hard drive in the sidebar of Finder.

要了解其工作原理,重要的是要了解Photos应用程序如何对文件进行分类。 实际上很简单; 有一个包含整个库的文件。 如果要备份此文件,请插入外部硬盘驱动器,然后将整个文件拖到Finder边栏中的该硬盘驱动器上。

The harder part comes when you need to change which Photos library you want to use. You’ll have to change the location from which the Photos app is reading.

当您需要更改要使用的照片库时,困难的部分就来了。 您必须更改“照片”应用的读取位置。

In the image below, I’ve got two Photos libraries, the default one, and a backup library.


While you can access the backup library just by double-clicking it—which will open it in the Photos app—it’s better to switch Photos to use this one by default. You can always switch back to the regular library when you need to.

虽然您可以通过双击备份库来访问备份库(这将在Photos应用程序中将其打开),但最好将Photos切换为默认使用此库。 您总是可以在需要时切换回常规库。

Double click the backup library to open it, then open the preferences for Photos from Photos > Preferences in the menubar.


Select “Use as System Photos Library,” which will change the default to the new library.


使用Time Machine自动备份驱动器 (Back Up Your Drive Automatically With Time Machine)

Backing up files manually is not the best solution, as you can never predict when your computer will break. It’s better to back up automatically, so you don’t have to think about it at all. Apple’s built-in Time Machine is the best tool for backing up to an external drive. You can read our guide on setting it up to get started.

手动备份文件不是最佳解决方案,因为您永远无法预测计算机何时会损坏。 最好自动备份,因此您完全不必考虑它。 苹果内置的Time Machine是备份到外部驱动器的最佳工具。 您可以阅读我们的设置指南以开始使用。

Image Credits: dourleak/Shutterstock

图片来源: dourleak / Shutterstock


mac 照片应用 重复照片