【转】 对于镶嵌数据集在缓存切片过程中产生空白或者白色切片的问题

用过Arcgis Server 10.0和Arcgis  for Server 10.2 发切片,数据为航飞的高清影像,管理方式采用镶嵌数据集,发现切片在1000或者2000比例尺下会有空白的情况,昨天查了一下,发现ESRI管网昨天发布了解决的方案,解决方案中说主要原因是在镶嵌数据集默认属性中有个【每次镶嵌使用栅格影像的最大个数】属性,默认值20比较小,修改为比较大的值,即可避免这个问题,比如100,具体操作方法见下面的原文。



Problem: Caching process creates blank/white tiles when using Mosaic dataset


The caching process sometimes creates blank and/or white tiles when using Mosaic datasets. When this happens no error is reported in the server log because the tiles are actually created in the cache folder but are white in color.


The map caching process draws the map data for the extent the cache tiles need. In that process, sometimes raster datasets fail to display all the images in that extent and results in creating white tiles.

Solution or Workaround

There is a parameter called 'Maximum Number of Rasters per Mosaic' available in the Mosaic Dataset Properties dialog box whose default value is 20. This prevents the server from mosaicking an unreasonably large number of rasters if, for example, the client zooms in to an overview scale in a non-optimized image service dataset that has no overview tiles generated.

Increase the 'Maximum Number of Rasters per Mosaic' value to higher number so that all the images are visible for the required extent in the caching process.

  1. To change the Mosaic dataset properties, first stop all the map services that are using it.
  2. Right-click on the Mosaic dataset and click Properties to open Mosaic Dataset Properties window.
  3. Change the 'Maximum Number of Rasters per Mosaic' value to the required number, say 100, from its default value of 20 and click OK.
  4. Restart the map service and then generate the cache tiles.


Last Published: 8/5/2018

Article ID: 000011325

Software: and prior) 10 ArcGIS GIS Server (10.0)
