


Open/close sensors, like those included with the Samsung SmartThings kit, are great for automating certain actions whenever doors or windows are opened. But if you’re having trouble getting them to work well, it might be because the metal on the door or window is causing issues with the magnet system that’s used on the sensors. Here’s how you can get around that.

三星SmartThings套件随附的传感器一样,打开/关闭传感器非常适合在门或窗打开时自动执行某些动作。 但是,如果您无法使其正常工作,可能是因为门或窗户上的金属导致传感器上使用的磁铁系统出现问题。 这是解决该问题的方法。

The workaround is quite simple, although it doesn’t look the prettiest and doesn’t quite blend in. But it at least works. The sensor basically needs to be at least a few inches away from the nearest piece of metal to prevent interference.

解决方法非常简单,尽管它看起来并不漂亮,也没有很好地融入其中。但是至少可以奏效。 传感器基本上需要距离最近的金属至少几英寸,以防止干扰。

First, try to mount the sensor normally to see if it works first. Even if a door does include some metal, it still may work just fine. It’s mostly doors that are heavily made out of metal (like garage doors) where you’ll usually come across problems. If you do, though, this trick should help.

首先,尝试正常安装传感器,看看它是否可以正常工作。 即使门确实包含一些金属,它也可以正常工作。 它主要是大量用金属制成的门(例如车库门),通常会遇到问题。 但是,如果这样做,此技巧应该会有所帮助。

The image above shows what the final product looks like—a door sensor mounted to the top of my garage door that’s a few inches away from the nearest piece of magnetic metal. Setting this up is pretty simple, but requires a bit of creativity.

上图显示了最终产品的外观—一个门传感器安装在我的车库门的顶部,与最近的磁性金属片相距几英寸。 设置起来非常简单,但是需要一些创造力。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

To do this, you’ll need a couple of tools and materials, including:


The aluminum flashing (shown above) will come in an L-shape when you buy it, but it’s pliable enough that you can bend it all into a flat piece using light taps with a hammer. It’s one of the reasons we’re using aluminum for this: it’s very soft and can bend easily to your will, allowing for the most customizability. It’s also non-magnetic, so it won’t interfere with the sensor.

购买时,铝制闪光条(如上图所示)将呈L形,但它柔韧到足以用锤子轻敲将其弯曲成扁平状。 这是我们之所以使用铝的原因之一:它非常柔软,可以很容易地弯曲,并具有最大的可定制性。 它也是非磁性的,因此不会干扰传感器。

第一步:安装传感器 (Step One: Mount the Sensor)

We’ll start by mounting the larger sensor portion off to the side by a few inches from the door (or above). In this guide, I’m doing this with my garage door, so it’s a bit different than a regular door, but the concept is the same. Plus, you’ll likely have to make some changes of your own to make it work for your specific situation anyway.

我们将从将较大的传感器部分安装到离门(或门)几英寸的侧面开始。 在本指南中,我是使用车库门来执行此操作的,因此它与常规门有所不同,但是概念是相同的。 另外,您可能必须自己进行一些更改才能使其始终适合您的特定情况。

In any case, you can either mount it using the included screws or 3M adhesive strips. Screws allow for a more solid connection, while 3M strips are quicker and easier, but there’s a risk of the sensor falling off if the adhesive weakens over time.

在任何情况下,您都可以使用随附的螺钉或3M胶带将其安装。 螺钉可实现更牢固的连接,而3M胶条则更快,更容易,但是如果胶粘剂随时间推移而变弱,则存在传感器脱落的风险。

第二步:制造磁铁的延伸臂 (Step Two: Fabricate An Extension Arm for the Magnet)

Now comes the difficult part. The smaller magnet portion of the sensor needs to be mounted to the door, but also needs to be a few inches away from it. To make this happen, we need to make an extension arm that connects from the door to the magnet. This is where the aluminum flashing comes into play.

现在是困难的部分。 传感器的较小磁铁部分需要安装到门上,但也需要距离门几英寸。 为了做到这一点,我们需要制作一个从门到磁铁的延伸臂。 这是铝制闪光灯起作用的地方。

As mentioned above, flatten the aluminum into a strip using a hammer—it shouldn’t take a lot of effort, and you can even use your hands to do a lot of the bending.


Then, from one end, measure a few inches in and bend it to a right angle to create an “L” shape. You may not have to bend the aluminum at all depending on your door and where you mount the sensor, but I had to in my case. This small section is what will be mounted to the door.

然后,从一端开始测量几英寸,并将其弯曲成直角以创建“ L”形。 您可能根本不必弯曲铝,具体取决于您的门和传感器的安装位置,但我不得不这样做。 这小部分将安装在门上。

After that, take your sheet metal snips and—at the other end—cut the aluminum strip down to the specific length that you need.


You’ll end up with something looking like this:


第三步:将延伸臂安装到门上 (Step Three: Mount the Extension Arm to the Door)

Before you can mount the extension arm, you’ll need to take your power drill and drill some small holes where the sheet metal screws will screw in. You’ll also need to drill the same holes into your door where you’ll mount the extension arm. These holes need to be just slightly smaller in diameter than the sheet metal screws.

在安装延伸臂之前,您需要先进行电钻,并在钣金螺钉将要拧入的地方钻一些小Kong。您还需要在门上钻相同的Kong,以将其安装在门上。延伸臂。 这些Kong的直径只需要比金属螺丝小一些。

Next, take your sheet metal screws and screw in the extension arm into the door using your power drill and a Phillips drive bit.


At this point, you can make some fine adjustments to the aluminum and bend it to make it fit well. Keep in mind that you’ll need enough room in between the extension arm and the sensor to attach the magnet.

此时,您可以对铝进行一些细微的调整,然后将其弯曲以使其合适。 请记住,在延伸臂和传感器之间需要足够的空间来固定磁铁。

第四步:将磁铁连接到延伸臂 (Step Four: Attach the Magnet to the Extension Arm)

Lastly, attach the magnet to the extension arm. Make sure you mount it to the arm in a place where the magnet rests right beside the sensor. Screws won’t really work here, so you’ll want to use the included 3M adhesive strip to mount the magnet.

最后,将磁铁固定到延伸臂上。 确保将其安装在机械臂上的磁铁紧贴传感器旁边的位置。 螺丝在这里不能真正起作用,因此您需要使用随附的3M胶粘带来安装磁铁。

As mentioned above, it doesn’t really look all that pretty, but it at least works, and it’s the best solution to have your open/close sensors work around metal doors and windows.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/298536/how-to-use-smarthome-door-sensors-around-metal/
