

Animoji (Animoji)

You all must have heard about the emojis which now you use daily in your android and iPhones. But what is Animoji? Let's discuss it in detail.

你们都必须听说过现在在Android和iPhone中每天使用的表情符号。 但是什么是Animoji ? 让我们详细讨论它。

If we break Animoji, it termed as "Ani" and "Moji" where Ani refers to Animation and Moji refers to emoji. It is an animated emoji launched with the iOS 11 version by the Apple. It uses the Facial scanning System on the Apple device. Using that feature, it recognizes the expression of the user on the device. For example, if a person is sad or happy or angry, it captures the expression occurring due to particular emotion and then convert it into an Animoji.

如果我们中断Animoji ,则将其称为“ Ani ”和“ Moji ”,其中Ani指动画,而Moji指表情符号。 它是Apple随iOS 11版本推出的动画表情符号。 它使用Apple设备上的面部扫描系统。 使用该功能,它可以识别用户在设备上的表情。 例如,如果一个人悲伤,快乐或生气,它会捕获由于特定情感而出现的表情,然后将其转换为Animoji


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After capturing the expression, it gets stored in the messages app of the iOS 11 device.

捕获表达式后,它将存储在iOS 11设备的消息应用程序中。

It is largely used by mass as a fun conversation in the chat messages with their friends and family. People like to send Animoji as it shows the exact emotion they are in. Animoji is more interesting to users than emoji.

在与朋友和家人的聊天消息中,它被大众广泛用作有趣的对话。 人们喜欢发送Animoji,因为它可以显示出他们所处的确切情绪。Animoji对用户比emoji更为有趣。

As these Animoji capture the expressions, it runs as a video and runs in a loop in the recipient chat. People add audio in Animoji as well.

当这些Animoji捕获表达式时,它将作为视频运行并在收件人聊天中循环运行。 人们也会在Animoji中添加音频。

How Animoji are better than Emoji?


  • One can capture their exact expression into the Animoji.


  • Animoji can contain audio as well.


  • It runs as a video so looks more attractive.


Have iPhone and hasn't created Animoji yet? Do now, it's fun!

有iPhone,还没有创建Animoji吗? 现在就做,很有趣!

