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Christmas Webdesign Resources

Christmas Webdesign Resources

Today we prepared a set of Christmas webdesign resources. Christmastime is the special time for everybody of us. And it is not surprising, there are not so many holidays when our family and our friends gather together to celebrate it. Usually we give each other gifts, greetings, surprises, good memories, and I think it will be useful, if today we will review the high-quality design resources for Christmas. Winter is coming, and I think that many of us need to make your preparations to please your loved ones. In this review you will see our hand-picked thematic collections of icons, wallpapers, wordpress themes, photoshop brushes, photoshop tutorials, fonts and so on.


今天,我们准备了一套圣诞节网页设计资源。 圣诞节是我们每个人的特殊时间。 毫不奇怪,我们的家人和朋友聚在一起庆祝它的日子并不多。 通常,我们会互相给予礼物,问候,惊喜,美好的回忆,我认为这将很有用,如果今天我们将回顾圣诞节的高质量设计资源。 冬天快到了,我认为我们许多人需要做好准备以取悦亲人。 在这篇评论中,您将看到我们精选的图标,壁纸,wordpress主题,photoshop笔刷,photoshop教程,字体等主题集合。

1)图标 (1) Icons)

圣诞花环套装 (Xmas Wreath Set)

Xmas Wreath Set

15圣诞节图标 (15 Christmas Icons)

15 Christmas Icons

圣诞包图标集 (Christmas-pack icon set)

christmas-pack icon set

2)壁纸 (2) Wallpapers)

十二月霜 (December Frost)

December Frost

雪中​​的圣诞装饰品 (Christmas decorations in the snow)

Christmas decorations in the snow

3)WordPress主题 (3) WordPress Themes)

圣诞模板 (Xmas template)

Welcome the winter holidays with this nice, simple theme.



圣诞节的时候 (Christmas Time)

Christmas Time

4)Photoshop笔刷 (4) Photoshop Brushes)

圣诞形状 (Xmas Shapes)

Xmas Shapes

圣诞画笔 (Christmas Brushes)

Christmas Brushes

MV圣诞画笔涂鸦包 (Christmas Brush Doodles Pack by MV)

Christmas Brush Doodles Pack by MV

5)Photoshop教程 (5) Photoshop Tutorials)

使用Photoshop的3D功能创建节日鸡尾酒 (Create a Festive Cocktail Using Photoshop’s 3D Capabilities)

Create a Festive Cocktail

为这个圣诞节制作一个粗略的墙纸 (Make a Sketchy Wallpaper for this Christmas)

Sketchy Wallpaper

不寻常的圣诞贺卡 (Unusual Christmas Card)

Unusual Christmas Card

6)字体 (6) Fonts)

圣诞节山 (Mountains of Christmas)

Mountains of Christmas

克林格 (Kringle)


国王圣诞节 (Kingthings Christmas)

Kingthings Christmas

圣诞韵 (XmasTyme)


7)其他 (7) Misc)

圣诞套装 (Christmas set)

Christmas set

圣诞复古徽章PSD (Christmas Retro Badge PSD)

You may customize this christmas retro badge and send to your friends by email.


Christmas Retro Badge PSD

雪球 (Snow globe)

Mathew Lucas | It’s a Shape Christmas

马修·卢卡斯| 这是圣诞节的形状

Snow globe

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/christmas-webdesign-resources/

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