


If you’ve ever had a burning need to know just how many times you strike the keyboard and click your mouse every day, KeyCounter–a tiny portable app–can help satisfying your geeky statistical needs.


Last year I hit up Twitter and Facebook with this question:


Recommend an app for tracking the number of keys/words typed? (Not a keylogger, I’m just nerd-curious about how many keystrokes I hit a day)

推荐一个应用来跟踪键入的键/词的数量吗? (不是键盘记录器,我只是对每天要击打多少键感到好奇)

I kept my eyes open searching for that one-trick pony, a keystroke tracker, but never found found one. Today, via the serendipity of my RSS feed, I found one! Software blog Addictive Tips highlighted KeyCounter, an ultra lightweight, free, and portable keystroke and mouse click counter. Download the app, run it, and then leave it be. It quietly counts every single click of your keyboard and mouse buttons and displays them in graph form. Each day is archived and can be reviewed in the future.

我睁开眼睛寻找那个一键操作的小马,一种击键追踪器,但是没有找到。 今天,通过我的RSS feed的偶然性,我找到了一个! 软件博客《上瘾的技巧》着重介绍了KeyCounter,它是一种超轻便,免费且便携式的击键和鼠标点击计数器。 下载该应用程序,运行它,然后将其保留。 它安静地计算键盘和鼠标按钮的每次单击,并以图形形式显示它们。 每天都有存档,以后可以复查。

On a practical note, this tool is a super lightweight way to see when you’re active at the computer throughout the day. On a fun and geeky note, it’s awesome to see just how much you abuse your keyboard every day.

实际上,此工具是一种超轻量级的方法,可用于查看您整天何时处于活动状态。 有趣而令人讨厌的是,每天看到您滥用键盘的次数真是太棒了。

KeyCounter [Zhorn Software via Addictive Tips]

KeyCounter [通过上瘾技巧的 Zhorn软件]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/92442/keycounter-tracks-your-keystrokes-and-mouse-clicks/
