
iPad Pro and iPhone on a table with a PS4 controller
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 open up the world of iPhone and iPad gaming to the two most popular game controllers. You can now connect a PS4 or Xbox One S controller directly to your device and instantly start playing any game that supports controllers.

iOS 13iPadOS 13为两个最受欢迎的游戏控制器打开了iPhone和iPad游戏的世界。 现在,您可以将PS4或Xbox One S控制器直接连接到设备,并立即开始玩任何支持该控制器的游戏。

支持机型 (Supported Models)

iPhone and iPad previously supported game controllers, but they had to be certified using the MFi (Made for iPhone) program. The options were severely limited, expensive, and not that great.

iPhone和iPad以前支持游戏控制器,但必须使用MFi(iPhone专用)程序进行认证。 选件受到严格限制,价格昂贵,而且不是那么好。

iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 are adding support for more wireless controllers, but the system is not open for all Bluetooth-based wireless controllers. Only PS4 Dualshock 4 and Xbox One controllers are currently supported. The Nintendo Switch Pro Controller doesn’t work.

iOS 13和iPadOS 13增加了对更多无线控制器的支持,但该系统未对所有基于蓝牙的无线控制器开放。 当前仅支持PS4 Dualshock 4和Xbox One控制器。 Nintendo Switch Pro控制器不起作用。

There are a couple of Xbox One controllers in the wild. Apple currently supports only model 1708, which is the Xbox One S controller (the original Xbox One controller doesn’t work). Most PS4 Dualshock controllers are supported (except for the CUH-ZCT1U model that shipped with the original PS4 back in 2013).

在野外有几个Xbox One控制器。 Apple当前仅支持型号1708,即Xbox One S控制器(原始Xbox One控制器不起作用)。 支持大多数PS4 Dualshock控制器(2013年原始PS4附带的CUH-ZCT1U型号除外)。

The easiest way to check if your controller is supported is by, well, connecting it to your iPhone or iPad.


如何将PS4和Xbox控制器连接到iPhone和iPad (How to Connect PS4 and Xbox Controller to iPhone and iPad)

You can pair a controller to your iPhone or iPad using the Bluetooth section in the Settings app. Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad and then tap on the “Bluetooth” option.

您可以使用“设置”应用中的“蓝牙”部分将控制器与iPhone或iPad配对。 打开iPhone或iPad上的“设置”应用,然后点击“蓝牙”选项。

Here, make sure the Bluetooth feature is enabled and in discovery mode.


Tap on Bluetooth and then turn on the Bluetooth feature

Now, let’s put your controller in pairing mode. If you’re using a PS4 Dualshock 4 controller, press and hold the “PS” and “Share” button together until the light at the back of the controller turns white and starts blinking rapidly.

现在,让我们将控制器置于配对模式。 如果您使用的是PS4 Dualshock 4控制器,请同时按住“ PS”和“共享”按钮,直到控制器背面的指示灯变为白色并开始快速闪烁。

PlayStation controller

If you’re using an Xbox One S controller, press and hold on the “Pairing” button at the back of the controller. If this is the first time you’re pairing the controller with any device, you should instead press and hold the “Xbox” button.

如果您使用的是Xbox One S控制器,请按住控制器背面的“配对”按钮。 如果这是您首次将控制器与任何设备配对,则应按住“ Xbox”按钮。

diagram of an Xbox controller

Now, the PS4 or Xbox controller will show up in the “Other Devices” section. Tap on it and the controller will be paired and connected to your iPhone or iPad.

现在,PS4或Xbox控制器将显示在“其他设备”部分。 点击它,控制器将配对并连接到您的iPhone或iPad。

Tap on the controller from the list to connect to it

如何断开和取消配对控制器 (How to Disconnect and Unpair the Controller)

You can quickly disconnect the controller using the new expandable Bluetooth menu from Control Center.

您可以使用Control Center中新的可扩展蓝牙菜单快速断开控制器的连接。

On your iPhone or iPad, swipe down from the top-right corner of the screen to open Control Center. If you’re using an iPhone with a Home button, swipe up from the bottom of the screen instead.

在iPhone或iPad上,从屏幕的右上角向下滑动以打开“控制中心”。 如果您使用带主屏幕按钮的iPhone,请从屏幕底部向上滑动。

Swipe down from the top-right corner on iPad to use Control Center

Next, press and hold on the “Toggles” panel.


Tap and hold on the Toggles section in Control Center

Here, tap and hold on the “Bluetooth” button to expand the menu.


Tap and hold on the Bluetooth toggle

Find the paired controller and tap on it to disconnect. You can go back to the same menu and tap on the controller to connect to it again.

找到配对的控制器,然后点击以断开连接。 您可以返回相同的菜单,然后点击控制器以再次连接它。

Tap on the controller from the Bluetooth menu to disconnect

To unpair a controller, you’ll have to go to the “Bluetooth” menu in the “Settings” app. Here, locate the controller and tap on the “i” button next to it.

要取消配对控制器,您必须转到“设置”应用中的“蓝牙”菜单。 在这里,找到控制器,然后点击它旁边的“ i”按钮。

Tap on the i button next to the controller name

From the menu, tap on “Forget This Device” to unpair.


Tap on Forget This Device

如何在iPhone和iPad上使用控制器玩游戏 (How to Play Games with the Controller on Your iPhone and iPad)

Controller support on iOS and iPadOS has been around for many years, so a lot of popular games already support it. Once you connect the controller, go to whichever game’s settings page to check if you can switch to the controller mode.

iOS和iPadOS上的控制器支持已经存在了很多年,因此许多流行的游戏已经支持了它。 连接控制器后,请转到任何游戏的设置页面,以检查是否可以切换到控制器模式。

If you’re playing games from Apple Arcade, the controller will be activated automatically when you launch the game. Apple Arcade games also highlight controller support for a game right at the top of the listing.

如果您正在从Apple Arcade玩游戏,则在启动游戏时将自动**控制器。 Apple Arcade游戏还在列表顶部突出显示了对游戏的控制器支持。

Check if an Apple Arcade app supports controllers

Controller support is just one of the new features in iOS 13. Once you’ve paired your controller with your iPhone or iPad, you should enable the dark mode to make those late-night gaming sessions easier on the eyes.

控制器支持只是iOS 13中的新功能之一 。 将控制器与iPhone或iPad配对后,应启用黑暗模式,以使这些深夜游戏会话更轻松。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/441238/how-to-connect-a-ps4-or-xbox-controller-to-your-iphone-or-ipad/