如何清除/删除Android Google Chrome历史记录?

Android is the most popular smart and mobile phone operating system and platform. Android is created by Google and most of the Google services and products are provided with Android by default. Google Chrome is another popular product for web browsing. Privacy is important and when using an Android phone and Google Chrome with Google Search a lot of data is stored in the Android system. In order to protect our privacy, the browse and search history should be deleted or cleared periodically.

Android是最受欢迎的智能和手机操作系统和平台。 Android由Google创建,默认情况下,大多数Google服务和产品都随Android提供。 Google Chrome浏览器是另一种流行的Web浏览产品。 隐私很重要,当使用Android手机和带有Google搜索功能的Google Chrome浏览器时,很多数据都存储在Android系统中。 为了保护我们的隐私,应定期删除或清除浏览和搜索历史记录。

In order to list Android Chrome Browser history, we will open the Google Chrome Applications like below. The Google Chrome application can be also opened from the Application menu too.

为了列出Android Chrome浏览器的历史记录,我们将打开如下所示的Google Chrome Applications 。 也可以从“应用程序”菜单中打开Goog​​le Chrome应用程序。

Open Google Chrome On Android
在Android上打开Goog​​le Chrome

Second step is opening the Google Chrome menu. We will click to the upper right side 3 point sign which will list Google Chrome Menu.

第二步是打开Goog​​le Chrome浏览器菜单。 我们将点击右上角的3点符号,其中将列出Google Chrome浏览器菜单。

Google Chrome Menu Sign
Google Chrome浏览器菜单标志

Next step is opening the Settings page which is listed on the Chrome Menu like below.

下一步是打开“ Settings页面,该页面在Chrome菜单上列出,如下所示。

Android Google Chrome Menu List
Android Google Chrome菜单列表

The Android Google Chrome History is located in the Privacy settings that can be opened like below.

Android Google Chrome浏览器历史记录位于“ Privacy设置中,可以如下所示打开。

Android Google Chrome Settings Menu
Android Google Chrome设置菜单

The privacy settings include different configurations where history is located at the end of the screen with the name of Clear browsing data like below.

隐私设置包括不同的配置,其中历史记录位于屏幕的末尾,其名称为“ Clear browsing data如下所示。

Android Google Chrome Privacy
Android Google Chrome隐私权

We will see the following screen which is the Basic Mode to manage Chrome History. In the Basic mode, there are 3 objects selected to be deleted or not.

我们将看到以下屏幕,它是管理Chrome历史记录的Basic Mode 。 在基本模式下,有3个对象被选择是否删除。

Browsing History is the browsing history with autocompletion in the address bar.

Browsing History是地址栏中具有自动完成功能的浏览历史记录。

Cookies and site data is the cookies created by the sites we have browsed.

Cookies and site data是由我们浏览过的站点创建的cookie。

Cached images and files are the files like CSS, Image which are cached during browsing.

Cached images and files是在浏览期间缓存CSS,Image之类的文件。


We can select the object we want to clear or remove and then click to the Clear data button below.

我们可以选择要清除或删除的对象,然后单击下面的“ Clear data按钮。

Android Google Chrome Clear Browsing Data
Android Google Chrome清除浏览数据

In the Advanced Mode more details are provided about the cleaning operation.

Advanced Mode ,提供了有关清洁操作的更多详细信息。

Browsing History is the browsing history with autocompletion in the address bar.

Browsing History是地址栏中具有自动完成功能的浏览历史记录。

Cookies and site data is the cookies created by the sites we have browsed.

Cookies and site data是由我们浏览过的站点创建的cookie。

Cached images and files are the files like CSS, Image which are cached during browsing.

Cached images and files是在浏览期间缓存CSS,Image之类的文件。

Saved passwords are the login credentials and passwords saved previously.

Saved passwords是之前保存的登录凭据和密码。

Autofill form data is form data that is filled before.

Autofill form data是之前Autofill form data

Site settings are site-specific settings stored in Chrome.

Site settings是存储在Chrome中的网站特定设置。

Android Google Chrome Clear Browsing Data – Advanced Mode
Android Google Chrome清除浏览数据-高级模式

As the last step, Google Chrome will ask to clear history and store like below. We will just click on the Click button.

作为最后一步,Chrome浏览器将要求清除历史记录并进行如下存储。 我们将只单击“ Click按钮。

Android Google Chrome Clear History
Android Google Chrome清除记录

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-clear-delete-android-google-chrome-history/