


Google Instant was released last week, adding instant search results to the page before you even finish typing. Here’s how to enable Google Instant search directly in the Google Chrome browser—though it’s still very rough.

Google即搜即得已于上周发布,它甚至可以在您完全不键入内容之前将即时搜索结果添加到页面中。 以下是直接在Google Chrome浏览器中启用Google即搜即得的方法-尽管它仍然很粗糙。

You’re going to need to be running the Dev Channel version of Google Chrome to get this to work. Head over to the Early Access Releases page and download the Dev Channel installer to upgrade your current version to the Dev channel.

您需要运行Google Chrome的Dev Channel版本才能使其正常运行。 转到“抢先体验版本”页面并下载开发通道安装程序,以将当前版本升级到开发通道。

怎么运行的 (How it Works)

Here’s a video that shows Google Instant search in action in Chrome. You’ll notice that the results load instantly on the bottom half of the page while you’re searching.

这是一段视频,展示了在Chrome浏览器中运行的Google即时搜索。 您会发现搜索时结果会立即加载到页面的下半部分。

问题,至少现在 (The Problem, At Least Right Now)

If you heavily use Google Search in Chrome, you probably won’t want to enable this right now. Why? Because Google doesn’t like you, and you’ll trigger the automatic request error eventually.

如果您在Chrome中大量使用Google搜索,则可能现在不想启用此功能。 为什么? 由于Google不喜欢您,因此您最终会触发自动请求错误。


We have to assume they’ll eventually figure this out, and it’ll all work.


启用Google即搜即得 (Enable Google Instant Search)

Right-click on the shortcut and choose Properties, or if you’re using Windows 7 and have it pinned to the taskbar, you can right-click the button to get the Jump List, and then right-click on Google Chrome and choose Properties from there.

右键单击该快捷方式,然后选择“属性”,或者,如果您使用的是Windows 7,并将其固定在任务栏上,则可以右键单击该按钮以获取“跳转列表”,然后右键单击Google Chrome,然后选择“属性”。从那里。


Once you’ve got the properties window open, you will need to add the following to the end of the Target field, making sure to add a space between chrome.exe and the switch.





Click OK, close out of every single Chrome window, and then open it again using this shortcut.


在Chrome中使用即时搜索 (Using Instant Search in Chrome)

Now that you have it enabled, you can simply start typing to see it in action—if you Google for something that you haven’t searched for before, you’ll notice that it loads up in a Google page, like this search for weather.



In some cases it’ll load the page directly, especially if there’s a single match and you’ve been to the page before. You can also move up and down in the list with the keyboard, and load the pages immediately.

在某些情况下,它会直接加载页面,特别是如果有一个匹配项并且您之前去过该页面。 您也可以使用键盘在列表中上下移动,并立即加载页面。


It’s really fairly rough, and loading the entire page can be a little weird, especially if it tries to load a page with a lot of data on it. But, it’s progress!

这确实很粗糙,并且加载整个页面可能有些奇怪,尤其是当它试图加载包含大量数据的页面时尤其如此。 但是,这是进步!

Thanks to Shawn for the tip!


