android 更改软键盘_如何在Android上更改Google键盘的主题

android 更改软键盘

android 更改软键盘


No one wants to type on an ugly keyboard. While there are keyboards out there that go a bit overboard on themes, Google Keyboard likes to keep it simple. Always clean, always minimal. What you may not realize, however, is that it does have a few themes tucked inside its Settings menu.

没有人愿意在难看的键盘上打字。 尽管那里的键盘在主题上有些过分,但Google键盘喜欢保持简洁。 永远干净,永远最小。 但是,您可能没有意识到的是,它的“设置”菜单中确实包含一些主题。

If you’re running the newest version of Google Keyboard (5.0), accessing the Settings menu is the same as previous versions: long-press the comma (or whatever key is in that highlighted location below—it changes according to what app the input field is in), then tap “Google Keyboard settings.”

如果您运行的是最新版本的Google键盘(5.0),则访问“设置”菜单的方式与以前的版本相同:长按逗号(或下面突出显示的位置中的任何键-随输入内容而变化)字段),然后点击“ Google键盘设置”。


From there, all the visual settings are now nestled under “Preferences.” Go ahead and tap that.

从此处开始,所有视觉设置现在都位于“首选项”下。 继续点击。


The first entry in this menu is “Themes,” and tapping that will open the selection box that now only has two options: Material Light and Material Dark. The Holo themes of previous versions are gone, which really makes sense as Google has been pushing Material for the past couple of years.

此菜单中的第一个条目是“主题”,点击该选项将打开选择框,该选择框现在只有两个选项:“浅色”和“深色”。 先前版本的Holo主题已消失,这在Google过去几年一直在推动Material方面确实有意义。


Once you’ve made your selection, this box will disappear. There is one more customization method in this version of the Keyboard that wasn’t available in previous versions, however: “Show key border.” This puts a colored border between each key, giving them separation from each other. This is the perfect answer to the gripe many users have had about Google Keyboard’s Material themes since the keyboard was released to the public.

选择之后,此框将消失。 此版本的键盘中还有另一种自定义方法,但以前的版本中没有,但是:“显示按键边框”。 这会在每个键之间放置一个彩色边框,使它们彼此分离。 自从键盘公开以来,许多用户对Google键盘的Material主题感到不安,这是一个完美的答案。


That’s it—you’re done. Back of this menu and enjoy your “new” keyboard. You’ll type faster now, I promise.

就这样,您就完成了。 返回此菜单,然后使用“新”键盘。 我保证,您现在输入速度会更快。

While it may seem trivial when it comes to overall functionality (the keyboard’s performance and accuracy do not change with the theme), it’s amazing how something small like a key border can help users become more accurate. It’s all about jumping those mental barriers!

虽然在整体功能上看似微不足道(键盘的性能和准确性不会随主题改变),但令人惊讶的是,像键盘边框之类的小东西如何可以帮助用户变得更加准确。 这一切都是为了摆脱那些精神障碍!


android 更改软键盘