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Billions of images are on the internet—but not all of them are free to use. When you add licensed photos to PowerPoint documents, you’ll probably need to cite where it’s from and who made it. Here’s how.

数十亿张图像正在Internet上-但并非所有图像都可以免费使用。 将许可的照片添加到PowerPoint文档时,您可能需要引用照片的来源和来源。 这是如何做。

Before we begin, it’s important to remember that how you cite pictures may vary. Formal citation is required in an academic setting, where formal styles like APA are used for documents. Alternatively, copyright licensing may require you to cite images in a different way, depending on the license used.

在开始之前,请务必记住您引用图片的方式可能会有所不同。 在学术环境中需要正式引用,在这种环境中, APA等正式样式用于文档。 另外,版权许可可能要求您以不同的方式引用图像,具体取决于所使用的许可。

如何在PowerPoint中引用图片和图像 (How to Cite Pictures and Images in PowerPoint)

The process for citing pictures and images in PowerPoint is actually quite simple. Unlike citations in Microsoft Word or other Office software, PowerPoint isn’t really designed with referencing in mind. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t cite pictures in PowerPoint—it may still be a requirement for academic and licensing reasons.

在PowerPoint中引用图片和图像的过程实际上非常简单。 与Microsoft Word或其他Office软件中的引用不同,PowerPoint在设计时并没有真正考虑引用。 这并不意味着您不应该在PowerPoint中引用图片-出于学术和许可原因,它可能仍然是必需的。

To cite an image or photo in PowerPoint, you’ll need to first open a PowerPoint presentation and insert a picture or image.


To add a citation to the image, you’ll need to add a text box. To do this, click Insert > Text Box on the ribbon bar.

要将引用添加到图像,您需要添加一个文本框。 为此,请在功能区栏上单击“插入”>“文本框”。

Press Insert > Text Box to add a text box in PowerPoint

Next, draw your text box using your mouse or trackpad—place this under your image or in a suitable position close by to it.


Once the text box is created, you can add the citation.


An inserted citation in PowerPoint

Refer to the relevant image licensing guide or academic style guide on how to do this. For academic referencing, you can use the Cite This For Me service to create a citation which you can copy into your text box.

有关如何执行此操作,请参阅相关的图像许可指南或学术风格指南。 对于学术参考,您可以使用“ 为我援引此内容”服务创建引文,然后将其复制到文本框中。

Once your citation is in place, you can then format the text using the formatting options in the ribbon bar under the “Home” tab.


The formatting options for text in PowerPoint under the Home tab on the ribbon bar

在PowerPoint中将引文和图像分组在一起 (Grouping Citation Text and Images Together in PowerPoint)

It’s probably a good idea, once your citation is in place, to anchor it to your image using the PowerPoint grouping feature.


To do this, select both your citation text box and image using your mouse and then right-click. In the options menu that appears, select Group > Group to bind the image and text box together.

为此,请使用鼠标选择引文文本框和图像,然后单击鼠标右键。 在出现的选项菜单中,选择“组”>“组”以将图像和文本框绑定在一起。

Select Group > Group to bind the image and text box together.

By grouping your citation text box and image together, any changes you make to your image (for instance, resizing or moving it) will now be applied to both simultaneously.


To ungroup them later, simply repeat the steps above by right-clicking your image or text box and then clicking Group > Ungroup instead.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/664876/how-to-cite-pictures-in-powerpoint/