excel 单元格显示公式_如何在单元格中显示公式并在Excel 2013中完全隐藏公式

excel 单元格显示公式

excel 单元格显示公式


If you are working on an Excel worksheet with a lot of formulas in it, it may become difficult to follow and keep track of all your formulas. Excel provides a simple way of displaying formulas in the cells in addition to the formula bar.

如果您正在处理包含大量公式的Excel工作表,则可能难以遵循和跟踪所有公式。 Excel除了提供编辑栏外,还提供了一种在单元格中显示公式的简单方法。

This feature also displays the dependencies for each formula in the cells (when selected), so you can track the data being used in each calculation. Displaying formulas in cells helps you to find cells containing formulas and to quickly read through all your formulas and check for errors. You can also print the spreadsheet with the formulas in the cells to help check your work.

此功能还显示了单元格中每个公式的依赖性(选中时),因此您可以跟踪每次计算中使用的数据。 在单元格中显示公式有助于您查找包含公式的单元格,并快速通读所有公式并检查错误。 您也可以使用表格中的公式打印电子表格,以帮助检查工作。

To display formulas in cells containing them, press the Ctrl + ` (the grave accent key). The formulas in each cell display as shown in the image above. The cells involved in the calculation are bordered in colors that match the cell references in the formula to help you track the data.

要在包含它们的单元格中显示公式,请按Ctrl +`(重音符键)。 每个单元格中的公式显示如上图所示。 计算中涉及的单元格以与公式中的单元格引用匹配的颜色作为边框,以帮助您跟踪数据。

You can also click Show Formulas in the Formula Auditing section of the Formulas tab to display formulas in the cells.



Even if you don’t show formulas in the cells, when you click on a cell containing a formula, the formula displays in the formula bar. If you don’t want the formulas visible to users of your spreadsheet, you can hide them and protect the sheet. To do this, select the cells whose formulas you want to hide.

即使未在单元格中显示公式,单击包含公式的单元格时,该公式也会显示在公式栏中。 如果您不希望公式对电子表格的用户可见,则可以将其隐藏并保护工作表。 为此,请选择要隐藏其公式的单元格。


In the Cells section of the Home tab, click Format and select Format Cells from the drop-down menu.



The Format Cells dialog box displays. On the Protection tab, select the Hidden check box. Click OK.

显示“设置单元格格式”对话框。 在保护选项卡上,选择隐藏复选框。 单击确定。


To finish hiding the formulas, you must protect the sheet. Click Format in the Cells section of the Home tab again. This time, select Protect Sheet from the drop-down menu.

要完成隐藏公式,必须保护工作表。 再次单击“主页”选项卡的“单元格”部分中的“格式”。 这次,从下拉菜单中选择“保护图纸”。


On the Protect Sheet dialog box, make sure the Protect worksheet and contents of locked cells check box is selected. Enter a password in the Password to unprotect sheet edit box that will allow you to unprotect the sheet and show the formulas again. In the Allow all users of this worksheet to list box, select the check boxes for the tasks you want to allow the users to perform. Click OK.

在“保护工作表”对话框上,确保选中“保护工作表和锁定单元格的内容”复选框。 在“取消保护工作表的密码”编辑框中输入密码,这将使您取消保护工作表并再次显示公式。 在“允许该工作表的所有用户访问”列表框中,选中要允许用户执行的任务的复选框。 单击确定。


Enter your password again in the Reenter password to proceed edit box on the Confirm Password dialog box and click OK.



Now, you’ll notice that when you select a cell containing a formula, the formula bar is empty.



To show the formulas in the formula bar again, click Format in the Cells section of the Home tab and select Unprotect Sheet from the drop-down menu.



Enter your password on the Unprotect Sheet dialog box and click OK.



All your formulas will be visible again when those cells are selected in the worksheet.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/175759/how-to-show-formulas-in-cells-and-hide-formulas-completely-in-excel-2013/

excel 单元格显示公式